eBay Topic

Guys, don't feed trolls. Ain't no one who could seriously justify wanting to pay more for things by saying they pay bills. Accept that you've been had and ignore him, no matter how serious he claims to be.
It is quite obvious at this point that he must be a troll, but either he is not and he is very stupid which is horrible for him, or he is and he will definitely get warned a lot, which is also bad. You would think people would reflect on the outcome before they act ...
I would like to purchase some beys from this seller, however I have to insure that someone in WBO has bought from this seller before, and is selling authentic TakaraTomy beys, please.

EDIT: NIP with box Takara, Rushing Boar (Attack Ring is blue while the rest of parts are purple, comes with its sticker sheet as well) http://www.ebay.com/itm/Takara-RANDOM-BO...23208c7cb5
You just saw the Rushing Boar .. ? That's been on there for like half a year now. XD
Cannon Well I didn't know it's been there for half a year, this just showed up on the side when I was searching for more beyblades.

Also is the seller I've posted a good seller?
(Mar. 21, 2013  11:10 PM)Cannon Wrote:
(Mar. 21, 2013  10:49 PM)Munsoned Wrote: I'm selling SonoKong Dragoon G's for $7.25, so maybe I can have a hand in reversing it. The funny thing is I've had it listed for a week and not sold a single one!

You should allow worldwide shipping ... I've noticed only a few of your listings are available to worldwide buyers; especially the large and expensive ones.

eBay usually overestimates international shipping by a gross amount. And with no way to confirm delivery overseas...lets just say eBay makes it very easy for foreign buyers to keep items they buy AND get a full refund for them. I wouldn't be too worried about it on a cheaper item, and that's exactly why it would happen (because I wouldn't fight it). Overseas signature confirmation is $45 minimum - and what would you guys and gals say about me THEN!?

Hazel - I'm sure SOMEBODY cares what country I live in. I mean don't you think it's a little presumptuous to say NOBODY cares!? Maybe what you meant is "I don't care what country you live in..." And way to go protecting thieves!
Starlight25 Wrote: Also is the seller I've posted a good seller?

If I recall correctly, I purchased a Ray Gil + Orange String launcher from that seller .. The items were fine, all genuine.

So yes, he/she is reliable.
(Mar. 22, 2013  2:57 PM)Cannon Wrote:
Starlight25 Wrote: Also is the seller I've posted a good seller?

If I recall correctly, I purchased a Ray Gil + Orange String launcher from that seller .. The items were fine, all genuine.

So yes, he/she is reliable.

Thanks, I've been wanting to purchase a few beys from that seller but I want to be sure.

Here's a beyblade lot with Rushing Boar, Dragoon Grip Attacker, and a few beys. Shipping is to United States.
(Mar. 22, 2013  7:47 PM)BeyderAndy Wrote: rear metal L-Drago with out a bid, ending soon.


That is not rare ..

It can be found in the Ultimate DX Set easily.
And this is coming from the person that wants Shining God to be $350...

Anyways, I guess it is a decent deal...
you guys don't understand, if you can purchase it for $10 or penny, good for you.
But if the price increase to $100, I'll support that. I'm against price control.
Let the market dictate what the price is.

I am a bargain hunter, and once I see a bargain and I like it, I'll take it knowing that I will get big return in my purchases.

I don't know what kind of university you guys go where they teach you that controlling prices is a good thing.
Perhaps in some socialist university.

The reason why you have this toy that you are enjoying right now, cause people who invest to make it were expecting big returns. If not for this kind of mentality we are all playing spinning wood right now.

This is true to all kinds of collection, comic book for example.
Will you criticize a person for putting a rear comic book in auction and sold it for a million cause their is a buyer who is willing to put this kind of money on it?

Will you blame him for making the comic book not affordable for collectors who want it but does not have a million dollars to get it?

Will you tell this seller to put the comic book in the market for $100 while others are willing to put a million for it?

Well, you may not get it right now, but I expect you guys, specially the university students here to have little common sense.
(Mar. 22, 2013  8:21 AM)Munsoned Wrote: Hazel - I'm sure SOMEBODY cares what country I live in. I mean don't you think it's a little presumptuous to say NOBODY cares!? Maybe what you meant is "I don't care what country you live in..." And way to go protecting thieves!

Protecting people's personal identities is not at all superceded by their indiscretions. I would expect an adult to be responsible and rational enough to understand this, and to have enough respect to take the high road and keep a professional attitude about their business transactions no matter the circumstances, only providing such information to the relevant authorities responsible for dealing with the issue.

In my country, libelous public statements about private business transactions almost always result in occupational termination, if not lawsuits. Whether or not they're true does not change the reality surrounding the private nature of the information, and simply knowing you're keen on revealing people's names and addresses is enough to deter most people from doing business with you.

I certainly wouldn't give you any money for any good or service after that.
I think the point that everyone is missing is that there are no longer any of these hms or plastic beys being made and there is a very limited supply and as it is with all ebay auctions the people who are willing to spend the most should be the people able to get them. Also, a lot of the sellers sell to finance the advancement of their own personal collections and there is no reason that they should not try to maximize profit just to keep it more affordable for everyone when there is an extremely limited supply of an item.
There is obviously not that much of a limited supply since other sellers who see that a particular item got sold for over one hundred dollars will also end up selling theirs for that price minimum because they expect that to be the price now ... So, one seller who displays a really exaggerated price for extra profit plus one customer who has more money than sense are all it takes to imbalance the whole market. Did those two not exist, prices would be more reasonable.
Time - No one missed a point and you're not adding anything new to the conversation. I've been selling for more than a year, I know that people buy these beyblades for a LOT cheaper than they sell them for. All we are advocating is that they lower the prices so that more sales can be made. They will still be maximising profits but it will be through sales since more people will be able to buy them. Again, please don't input into a conversation when you have nothing remotely sensible to add. You're not at all familiar with Plastics/HMS or their market.
(Mar. 23, 2013  1:59 AM)BeyderAndy Wrote: you guys don't understand, if you can purchase it for $10 or penny, good for you.
But if the price increase to $100, I'll support that. I'm against price control.
Let the market dictate what the price is.

I am a bargain hunter, and once I see a bargain and I like it, I'll take it knowing that I will get big return in my purchases.
If a couch is worth $500, why should someone sell it for $700? It's ethically wrong.
(Mar. 23, 2013  3:24 AM)Tech Wrote: If a couch is worth $500, why should someone sell it for $700? It's ethically wrong.

Yes but that's how the market works, the more people are willing to pay, the better for the seller. Obviously they would survey the general price range and how much people are/would pay before setting an initial price but yeah profit is ♥. More profit is ♥♥♥. I think as long as its not ridiculously off the general price range, people would go for it.

edit: I don't even know, but if this post is off-topic or whatever, feel free to remove it. I apologize for my insolence.
But the point is that it shouldn't work like that, and having this political mindset they way he does only makes it worse.
(Mar. 23, 2013  4:04 AM)Insomniac. Wrote:
(Mar. 23, 2013  3:24 AM)Tech Wrote: If a couch is worth $500, why should someone sell it for $700? It's ethically wrong.

Yes but that's how the market works, the more people are willing to pay, the better for the seller. Obviously they would survey the general price range and how much people are/would pay before setting an initial price but yeah profit is ♥. More profit is ♥♥♥.

Wrong. Just because a tiny segment of the market is willing to pay premium prices doesn't mean the majority is. You have to find the equilibrium price that allows the most customers to engage within the market, otherwise you have a surplus of sellers and a tiny consumer base.

For a market with a low demand product like Beyblades, more sales = more profit. Higher prices =/= more profit in this market, it means less profit because you've alienated 99% of buyers. Beyblades aren't like iPhones; you can't charge a premium price and still expect a huge consumer base. The plastics/HMS fanbase is already small enough as it is.
@3-Dog, you're right and your explanation makes sense because we're talking about the Beyblade (HMS) market. I was just talking about some other general, more common things. I apologize again, I should probably back out of this discussion now, haha ^^"
Relax, if I sounded like I was being hostile then my bad. What I was trying to point out is that profit maximisation doesn't always work through higher prices which is what BeyAnder and a few others don't understand. When you set a price for a product, you have to do it with the item's target market in mind.

No one's saying Ferrari should lower their prices, but that's because Ferrari's target market consists of the extremely wealthy. That's not the case with Beyblades. BeyAnder's comparison of it to comic books was silly because comic books are a much more established market and have about 100000000000000% more individuals willing to blow money on the rarer ones. We have a few wealthy buyers on here but that's it. Prices are going up everywhere, sellers are wildly competing on YJA and yet... no one is buying. If we ask any of the Y!JA heavyweights how much of their inflated stuff they actually managed to sell, they'd probably be really embarrassed with the answer.
I was mainly replying to Tech's post asking why people would price things higher than they're actually worth. If people will pay, why not. I wasn't relating it back to the Beyblade marketplace exactly where things are a bit different. And as you pointed out; the audience is always a big factor. So yeah I didn't think you were rude or anything but I don't know much about the Beyblade market to begin with, haha.
Rare Beyblades from Ronin Fox here in WBO, is selling them on eBay so here it is. Apollon G, Zeus, Dragoon GT, Dranzer GT, and HMS beyblades as well all ending very soon, Shipping is Worldwide.