eBay Topic

So uh I'm thinking about getting a stadium, the cheapest one I came across was 15$ (what the plum Gasp) soo they've mentioned that there are two layers andd they could be overlapped for solid state Tired. have no idea WHAT they are talking about, so could someone tell me what they mean? heres the link http://www.ebay.com/itm/Metal-Fight-Beyb...3f1f866a17 and i'm on a budget and thats the only one I can afford so it would be nice if anyone could help and alsoo is it any good?!
(Mar. 21, 2013  3:58 AM)hadesldrago Wrote: So uh I'm thinking about getting a stadium, the cheapest one I came across was 15$ (what the plum :O) soo they've mentioned that there are two layers andd they could be overlapped for solid state -_-. have no idea WHAT they are talking about, so could someone tell me what they mean? heres the link http://www.ebay.com/itm/Metal-Fight-Beyb...3f1f866a17 and i'm on a budget and thats the only one I can afford so it would be nice if anyone could help and alsoo is it any good?!

I don't reccomend getting that stadium. It isn't very good quality, and you can't use it at tournaments. If I were you, I would ask around and see if anyone has a cheap BB-10.
(Mar. 21, 2013  4:07 AM)Chaotik Wrote: I don't reccomend getting that stadium. It isn't very good quality, and you can't use it at tournaments. If I were you, I would ask around and see if anyone has a cheap BB-10.

You forgot the most important part about that stadium ...

It's fake.

If you're on a budget, get this :

Definitely not as good as the MFB Attack Stadium, because it doesn't have a tornado ridge etc., but still a decent substitute.
Here is a good genuine Stadium less than $20. Sold and ship from the USA. I'm planning to buy one of this.
(Mar. 21, 2013  1:11 PM)BeyderAndy Wrote: Here is a good genuine Stadium less than $20. Sold and ship from the USA. I'm planning to buy one of this.

Shipped from the USA, to the USA, only.
(Mar. 20, 2013  9:53 PM)Time Wrote: Great price on gold beys http://www.ebay.com/itm/BeyBlade-Gold-Dr...3380c4d398

Also, sporkseller who you are criticizing is a very reliable seller, I have bought multiple items from him at great prices and I know for a fact that he sold the shining god over paypal for $350 just to avoid the ebay fee

Oh, so he's not just a liar, he's a liar and a crook. Thanks for clearing that up.

what you mean he is a crook? I am planning to purchase one of his items?

you think this is worth the price?
That belongs in purchase consultation.

3-Dog is saying he is a crook by selling it outside of EBay, where he listed it, just to avoid paying the EBay fee. It's the exact same as listing it for $1 and making shipping $349, which is also cheap.
Okay I can see this is quickly turning into an argument.

1) He had the shining God on ebay then took it off so the buyer could save money. How does that make him a crook? If anything it makes him a good seller.
2) There did actually used to be a good reason for that practise Shinobi since it meant less ebay fees. Not sure if it still works that way though.

Essentially no one should accuse people without proof.
No no no, I did not call him a crook for avoiding eBay fees. I called him a crook for charging $350 for a Shining God MS when we're trying to fix price inflation.
If someone is willing to pay $350 for it or $1000 then let it be. This is called free market.
Good for the seller and also good for collectors like you and me.

Imagine what is in your closet right now is worth a fortune.
It's not good for collectors man. You end up paying $350 just cause the people before you who bought it for that price had more money than sense,
It's good man, what you can do is unload what you have into the market, expect a high payday.
Then get it back for less when the market slow down.

I have some in my collection and I see the market is not at peak yet, once I see this, I will start turning them into money. Then buy them again once the price settle down.

also Insanity is what drives free market. a good investor/collector knows how to capitalize on this.
I understand high prices due to demand (I study business so I should do) but when I prices get too high that's just stupid and should be stopped. Also that mentality only serves sellers which is not good.
It's not good for collectors because most collectors don't want to, you know, sell the collection they spent years building up. The beyblade market is an extreme example of market failure. Prices have risen due to an insane amount of inflation and only a select few can afford them. There is a very small segment of the market artificially increasing the prices and the rest of the market is unwilling to pay.

You're not going to be able to buy the beyblades back because either a collector is going to want to keep them or will not be willing to sell it for less than he/she got it for.
Right now I see this toys are in high demand, I just got hook into this a few months back when my son was watching beyblade in Netflix. And I got interested, start buying in ebay since then.

I know I have seen crazy prices out there. I have seen a use lot goes to $500, and it my estimate it is worth $200.
If I'm a single man, I will spend a lot of money on this right now, but my wife is stopping me Smile.

Anyway, I see this is good for the community, it invites new comers, investors, collectors in the community. It will spark interest, imagine a plastic spinning tops sold for $350 or more.

and if this toys are cheap, I will not pay attention to this. But I see the potential. To me this not only a collector thing but also investment.
We don't want plastics sold for $350 or more don't you understand that? We want decent prices that don't permanently screw up the market.
you can't control the market man. and controlling the market is not good. We don't want to create a WBO cartel here, Right?
You can make attempts to do so. Controlling the market is good if it's for the greater good of beyblade. You say cartel like we're trying to do something evil. Cheaper prices are better for everyone.
If you set a price for each toy and put limits on them. It will disappoint a lot of people like me. Why would I bother to spent money on it if I know it will never get into what I want it to be?

It will drive away many people in the community, and we don't want this happen.

Cheaper prices is not always better, I prefer Diamond over Glasses. If you know what I mean.

Anyway, I have my principles, you have yours, I let the market settle it between us.
BeyderAndy next time don t talk about yourself as a collector please.it looks like you re in beyblade just to make some money,that s not exactly what I mean as a collector.I think you are just a speculator.
That s my first and last comment about this thing,I don t wanna have any arguments.
(Mar. 21, 2013  7:27 PM)BeyderAndy Wrote: If you set a price for each toy and put limits on them. It will disappoint a lot of people like me. Why would I bother to spent money on it if I know it will never get into what I want it to be?

It will drive away many people in the community, and we don't want this happen.

Cheaper prices is not always better, I prefer Diamond over Glasses. If you know what I mean.

Anyway, I have my principles, you have yours, I let the market settle it between us.

So essentially you're complaining that you're not getting the high prices that screw over pretty much everyone. Great. I really doubt it will man. Realistically cheaper prices mean will more people will buy.
Shining God was a unique case. I wouldn't expect to get that price again - It happened to be a perfect storm:

1) guy had money
2) lived in a country not normally served by eBay sellers
3) collects HMS and has most of them already (most collectors will pay more as the approach 100% completion of a set)
4) myself, also a collector of HMS, happened to find 2 shining gods within a few weeks of each other and decide to sell one instead of keeping both

So the real question is - would I have been more or less a crook by hanging on to both and denying someone completion of their collection ~OR~ doing what I did and put it out there at a price I felt I needed to make it worth letting go? I went into the listing believing I would not sell it and that was fine by me because it felt like giving away a beloved pet when I did! I have no intentions of selling the other one, and if I find a third I've already agreed to convey it to another member here at COST.

The buyer is very happy, I'm satisfied with the sale as it helped me fund the rest of my collecting, and I don't think this one transaction will set the new price floor for shining god.

It's important to remember in all this that some of us have studied the Japanese language and maintain a personal network of contacts in Japan. Those contacts and we ourselves may spend great amounts of time and energy scouring the deepest recesses of retail and online shops. I searched the web almost every day for half a year until I found Shining God. And I mean no offense by this, but if everyone interested in having that beyblade could do what I can, then they certainly would and my efforts would be of no value.

A quick review of my listings would tell anyone that I'm very honest in my listings. And as I explained to Ultra earlier, if you something hugely overpriced its not me trying to scam anyone - it's me listing something that I'd really rather keep but WOULD sell for an inflated price. I'm $5 less on BB-10's than even the Chinese sellers, and id consider MOST of my prices reasonable. But I'm asking $135 for the tournament dome that nobody really even cares about because I still kinda want to keep it - that's the best example I can give.

I'm not getting rich selling Beyblades. I'm addicted to collecting Beyblades, and I leverage my Japanese language abilities to earn a small income that's in-turn used to feed my addiction. The guy in Bangalore, apparently, is also addicted and like someone said above, had more money than sense. But that doesn't mean MA-24 is out of reach for the rest of the world, it just means that I have to find as many as I can and price it using market economics instead of the "family pet" method next time around.

Trust me - it makes me very happy to see someone get a beyblade or stadium they really wanted and know that my lower pricing was the main reason. Just avoid my family pets and you'll get a good deal!
Why not just keep it instead of contributing to price inflation? Shining Gods don't come around often so the price they're sold for do set the market level. Sellers have all the power in this market because a minority of rich collectors are setting the prices too high for all of us. It's difficult for non asian sellers to compete because of the price spike on YJA that's fueled by these same rich buyers.

That's an example of a free market failing, BeyAnder. A market should be controlled by the buyers, not the sellers. As for cheap prices driving away the community... what the hell are you talking about? Plastics and HMS are dead because the majority of buyers can not afford to get involved in the game. By lowering prices we keep shady investors away. We don't want people to start selling beyblades as their main job. We want to grow the game. The community should be full of players, not speculators.
Munsoned Wrote:I don't think this one transaction will set the new price floor for shining god.

IDK if you heard about the Dragoon G situation, but here it is:

1 seller, only 1, I repeat, only 1, set the price for Dragoon G around $50, bumping it up to $62 before he ended it. This caused almost all of the Dragoon G's on the market to inflate to at least $45, when it is still only worth $10. Even the cheapest ones are around $18. The seller even had a couple sales.

So yes, one transaction or even listing without selling can inflate the market for Dragoon G.