beyblade's future

hi! all blades i wanna thanks you for beyblading . we don't need to worry about beyblade at present time because beyblade is fine now, but what happen if people forgot about beyblade . we will have to make beyblading's future safe and secure. i love beyblade but it's tlme to worry about beyblade future, we will have to make beyblade NO.1 sport in the whole world. (that's all)......!
hmm this couldnt go in the random thoughts topic... but ya beyblades future is probably going to be like in the show Grin with bitbeast and such hahaha i am a dreamer
Should be as big as pokemon
what did you say!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'll show you guy's that beybladde is not just a kids game, it's a sport and never laugh at beyblade because beyblade is biggest toy forever. ((((((((( YOU GOT IT)))))))))
You were warned. I am tired of seeing off-topic threads in this forum.