are you one user in social website?

e.t.c. any thing you can post here.before posting please add me as your friend.and my emailadress is
venkat prakash is my face book username.
and you should post here aboutyour favourite social website,favourite friends.and aother catogeries.

and please dont spoil thread and you can psot your email adress and user names also.but you should post correctly.
hold on,venkat prakash....are you this guy???
hey ,bigbang have you gone mad . whos venkatprakash and why are you telling me about him.?
There is already a thread for social sites.
First off, we have a thread like this already no? And don't you think it's going just a little too far with giving out your e-mail? I mean giving out your Facebook isn't too smart either, but you e-mail is even farther beyond that. And this might get closed considering we have a thread almost exactly like this, but it just covers Social Networking sites... that thread.
but we are discussing about all sites.,
wait a minute thats just for facebook and twitter but we have orkut, my space e.t.c..,
and what does ''social websites''mean?it means EVERY social website....

also,sorry,i kinda freaked out when saw your name.there was this banned user...
You can still post those things in there.