I didnt Say DUMB i mean the asthetics of it if u knew how to do it or saw the way i did it so Dude Dont Try Make things look Like Ur being insulted if u want it to be that let be it? And if your so sure Flame Me
(Jan. 01, 2011 12:01 AM)Megablader9 Wrote: This doesn't work... And are you insulting me? I've been here much longer than you, and I know what a Zombie is. You don't. So who's the one without a mind now? If you are gonna say that kind of stuff to people, fine, just don't say it on this site. Plus, you probably think Storm is good don't you? If you can't determine good combos, don't say others are dumb. I saw your favorite combo on your profile. Please don't call me dumb anymore.
Not To Be Rude But You Went On My profile To see Combos
Are You A stalker Who Looks For Info Then Rights About It and No i dont think Storm Is
the best for your information I prefer Perseus,Flame Or Even thermal.
So If Your So Sure You Have Been Here Longer Then I say Your on
The Wrong Thread Mate.
I make The
To do things So The Least You can do Is Not S*itstir On my post.
Ok So Big new I found Out there is A difference between them so ok so its not zombie its spinsteal