Your Real Name (ELABORATE)

(Aug. 31, 2011  12:02 PM)BeybladeKing1 Wrote: My real name is Mayvis Quinlen. My middle name is George but I was thinking of changing it to Dranzer?

do it.
sounds cool, my real name rocks apparently, it is:

Jay Maxus Jennens
My real name is Chris Whitman. My middle name is John but I was thinking of changing it to Driger?

Sounds legit to me...
everyones changing their middle names! why don't i change mine to strata dragoon? lol
Trevor - Not saying last name (creepers)

My nicknames Trev. I like that.
Hi my name is Harry Beauchamp my second name is from my mum and Beauchamp is freanch for beutiful field < lol I have a small amount of freanch in me but I am quarter scottish and the rest English (:
conner killian. yes, my middle name is killian, its irish. im irish, canadian, and dutch.
i like your name it sounds cool. oh, and my middle name is irish, after my grandfather. i didnt give out my last name in case there is a stalker in our midst....... haha.
Frankly, I care not if someone knows my first and last name. Do you know how common my name is? Case in point: I share an EXACT (First, Middle, Last) name with Anthony Adams on the Chicago Bears. Anthony Allen Adams, at your service. Kinda. Also, Sparta, I really want your third name. I'd just wait for someone to not look at it very well and immediately ask "Is your third name GENIUS?"
(Sep. 03, 2011  12:29 AM)Temporal Wrote: Also, Sparta, I really want your third name. I'd just wait for someone to not look at it very well and immediately ask "Is your third name GENIUS?"

Actually, that happened the other day. My grandma asked what my confirmation name was and when I said "Genesius" she paused, then responded, "Wow! That's a Genius name!"

Meh, while your name is cool, I'm stuck with the serious unoriginality of my father, who deems it cool to give me his middle name. And then proceeds to have all of his children have the exact same initials. AAA for all of us, which is annoying, because as a result, he can't remember our names to our faces. At all.
Ya know what, I'll say my real name cause there's probably a couple others out there. I am Elliot Craig. I kind of like my first name cause it's not common.
PS: Temporal you have an awesome name man.
Says you. Do you know how ANNOYING it is to live in Chicago, and have the same name as a Bears player? Every freaking Sunday, it's the same old joke. "Hey! It's you, Anthony!" or "Hey, Anthony! Why aren't you out on the field?" Or "Hey, you just missed a sack! I guess you suck!" Or even "Dude, the Bears should totally cut you, you're REALLY lazy!" It's annoying. And those are just people who think it's funny. People who don't like the guy? Worse. Geez, I just want to explode. Anyway, thanks for the compliment. I was spared this pre-season, Anthony Adams didn't play, but I still hear it mumbled every once in a while. One of the main reasons I like the WBO. Once I sign in, I'm not that guy people ridicule anymore. It's like putting on a mask. I become Temporal, that guy who an REALLY write is is pretty knowledgeable about Beyblade, too. Enough of my ranting, though. (Yeah, I know it is silly, but it is annoying as hell. Though it COULD be worse, so I count my blessings.)
(Sep. 03, 2011  12:29 AM)Temporal Wrote: Frankly, I care not if someone knows my first and last name. Do you know how common my name is? Case in point: I share an EXACT (First, Middle, Last) name with Anthony Adams on the Chicago Bears. Anthony Allen Adams, at your service. Kinda. Also, Sparta, I really want your third name. I'd just wait for someone to not look at it very well and immediately ask "Is your third name GENIUS?"

Your name is beautiful.

Hi, I'm Tony.

Ikr? Being a fellow Chicagoan, (now living in the suburbs) My teachers use to mispronounce my name. I would tell them how to pronounce it, but fellow students kept on saying the mispronunciation OVER and OVER again.
(Sep. 03, 2011  1:55 AM)Shabalabadoo Wrote:
(Sep. 03, 2011  12:29 AM)Temporal Wrote: Frankly, I care not if someone knows my first and last name. Do you know how common my name is? Case in point: I share an EXACT (First, Middle, Last) name with Anthony Adams on the Chicago Bears. Anthony Allen Adams, at your service. Kinda. Also, Sparta, I really want your third name. I'd just wait for someone to not look at it very well and immediately ask "Is your third name GENIUS?"

Your name is beautiful.

Hi, I'm Tony.

Haha, why did my Spanish teacher a while back say my name would change if I went to Mexico? She claimed it would become "Antonito" or something stupid like that. Why stupid? Because she did the exact same thing for everyone. She'd add -ito for boys and -ita for girls. Except... There was this guy named Juan in our class. And she said his name would become...Juanito.

Anyway, looks like we share half of a name, huh Shabalabadoo?
Mine is Antonio, which is Anthony. I just go by Tony
My name is Andrew but my initials spell ASK
My name is Saad Salahuddin.
And the problem with my name is that there was a famous Turkish scholar, who also fought in the Crusades, who's name was Salahuddin, but I'm not related to him.
Though I dont know the meaning of my last name, my first name is Arabic for happiness, luckiness, cheery. Which if you were to ask people how I am, they would say optimistic and laid back, which get's me into trouble though I dont even know it.
My name is Nihaal Shah. My middle name is my dad's first name, but I hardly ever use it. Nihaal, apparently, is Sanksrit for 'happy' or 'content', which is generally my nature, when I'm not trying to... enhance my debating skills against unwary opponents. Shah is the Persian word for either 'king' or 'emperor', I believe.

Temporal Your rant sounds like it could be made into some sort of superhero thing, just saying. "By day, he's often ridiculed Anthony Adams, but when he logs into WBO, he becomes... Temporal, the knowledgeable!" *cue hero music*

Although seriously, don't worry about it, just verbally bash whoever it is that's saying that sort of stuff. At least... that's what I'd do, because, if nothing else, it gives you debating experience, which will come in handy some time in your life.
my real name is Alexandre Coelho.
Sometimes i get annoyed people make fun of my last name because it is portuguese for rabbit, so they sometimes say "Look Alex, a carrot, go eat it" and im like AAAARRRGGGG
I just looked up my name's meaning again, which is Elliot, and it said that You need an Elliot for your life to be complete. Smug It is still weird to be the only one in my school with the name.....
EDIT: My full name is Elliot Craig. It also says I'm a legit beast Smile
Vulcan Blaze, Look it up on Urban Dictionary.