Worst pain you have ever experienced

Bees aren't really that painful. But its hard not to freak out and make it worse when youre getting attacked.
I'm terrified of wasps. I don't think it'd hurt that much but because I've never been stung before my mind exaggerates what it might be like.......bees aren't so bad. Wasps are like satan insects. X_X
(May. 12, 2009  9:59 PM)Rocky Wrote: I'm terrified of wasps. I don't think it'd hurt that much but because I've never been stung before my mind exaggerates what it might be like.......bees aren't so bad. Wasps are like satan insects. X_X

oh my god

we are one
i fell off the deck of my pull and my back landed on a brick (i just remembered that today)
(May. 14, 2009  9:58 PM)Rustin Wrote: i fell off the deck of my pull and my back landed on a brick (i just remembered that today)

Reminds me of when I jumped to the bottom of a bouncy castle slide thing and didn't bend my knees on a dare. D=

My back still suffers from this now surprisingly to a lesser extent. x.x
(May. 14, 2009  10:06 PM)Pikachao Wrote: Reminds me of when I jumped to the bottom of a bouncy castle slide thing and didn't bend my knees on a dare. D=

My back still suffers from this now surprisingly to a lesser extent. x.x

i did that before with bending my knees, did you fall down or kept walking
Reminds me of when our physics teacher told us all to jump off our stools without bending our knees. It was odd watching everyone jump and fall and clutch their knees and complain about the pain in their legs......
(May. 12, 2009  9:59 PM)Rocky Wrote: I'm terrified of wasps. I don't think it'd hurt that much but because I've never been stung before my mind exaggerates what it might be like.......bees aren't so bad. Wasps are like satan insects. X_X

Hahaha, I always back off when I see a wasp near me lol, I get scared bad when their in the class room to and their flying around the room, ahh I try to act calm but I'm actually scared of it stinging me in my head >_>
(May. 12, 2009  9:59 PM)Rocky Wrote: I'm terrified of wasps. I don't think it'd hurt that much but because I've never been stung before my mind exaggerates what it might be like.......bees aren't so bad. Wasps are like satan insects. X_X

Not so much afraid of wasps, but a few weeks ago a massive hornet showed up on our terrace. It was as big as my thumb, and I don't have small hands.
Damn was I scared.
When I was 6 years old, I wasd on my bike riding on the streets when I tried to kick a football but I missed, then I flipped (head first) about 4 times and dropped. I didn't really hurt but I had to go to the hospital.
Having my front tooth pulled, you see i broke the end of my front right tooth off so far that the nerve was hanging out thru the middle of the tooth. The friggin dentist lady said to tell her when i felt pain... SHE POKED THE NERVE WITH A METAL ROD!!! Then she decided to remove the whole tooth, so she gave me 4 needles in the gum, yanked as hard as she could and ripped the whole root out. (fyi above what you can see of your front tooth there is more tooth, bout an inch of it).

Due to this incident I've had a plate for the last 2 years, which means i can take my front tooth outGrin
That's exactly like my sister. She can take her front tooth out whenever she could and when she takes it out it look weird.
Yeah it looks really weird, even i think that XD but it's kinda cool, good party trick, and freaks some chicks out XD
Lmao, I think an inch is a bit of an exaggeration. XD

Anyways, I can't remember what I've posted here before. I'm not sure if I have posted any injuries......I've put my top teeth through my bottom lip once when I feel up the stairs. I've smashed my chin open when I fell when I was rollerblading down a steep and uneven hill. I've fallen off a horse and then had it stand on my foot. I've had someone bring a plastic bottle down on my hand, cutting all of my fingers. I've fallen and smashed my knee into a wall. I've spilt hot glue on my leg (took ages to get off, scarred). Been bitten by a dog. Smashed my front teeth into a coffee table and killed one of them.

And then a load of stupid things. I walk into things a lot and I drop things on my head. I broke a tooth once when eating a chickpea from some bombay mix. Confused
the worst pain ive ever felt was when i used to do kick boxing what happenned was ,i was
in a competiton and this guy i threw a punch and he blocked and kicked me in the head and i fell hard on the mat on my face!!!!! and fell out of the ring my face was bleeding
and there was a huge gash down my back
ps and im not that bad at kick boxing in fact im quite good
(May. 14, 2009  10:23 PM)Rustin Wrote: i did that before with bending my knees, did you fall down or kept walking

I can't really remember. It was years ago. All I can remember is that I could barely walk for ages because my back hurt so much. D=
heres a pain that i bet everone has experinced getting sunburnt! that isnt always painful unless someone hits you where you got it or when ever its all over your body and lets not forget that it will last at least a couple of days if not more
Not the worst pain ever but dammit I seem to have lost the ability to cut food. I've cut myself like four times over the last week. My fingers hurt. Unhappy
My worst pain wasn't really that bad but I had my big toes nail ripped right off with some pliers.
(May. 22, 2009  2:23 AM)jayeryan Wrote: My worst pain wasn't really that bad but I had my big toes nail ripped right off with some pliers.

whyyy?!?! and what circumstances?!?! O.o
(May. 22, 2009  2:23 AM)jayeryan Wrote: My worst pain wasn't really that bad but I had my big toes nail ripped right off with some pliers.

I'd consider that to be really bad lol. I've chipped a toe nail and i screamed! i couldnt imagine having it get ripped off.
This wasn't painful for me, but it was gross. I was playing soccer with a kid, and he didn't have shoes and I did and I kicked his big toenail back all the way, and it fell off the next day. I felt bad, and it was gross. He still reminds me about it to this day when he wants to make me feel guilty.
In third grade, i fell off my two story house and broke my rigth leg and dislocated my right shoulder, and i broke me left wrist, never agian will i climb my roof, owww D:

plus my firend was laughing and said i looked funny when i fell
Ouch, Brandon that would have hurt, Why were you climbing the roof in the first place tho ...