Worst pain you have ever experienced

I have
a herniated disc
2 torn rotator cuffs
and a weak hip.
In grade three I broke my finger during a summer camp and it swelled twice its normal size, was all black and purple and immoveable of course but alot of pain that I can remember was getting my braces because my teeth were very sore for a while it hurt alot to eat anything and I couldn't eat anything hard for over a week. Then I got some more stuff put in and it was sore all over again.
most shots :T
but uhh fingers smashed i a car door
gettin kicked in the wrong spot Tired
and getting a black and purple eye :T by a girl i was like 5 and my mom told me not to hit girls and i though fighting back counted :T
Falling off a balcony in Bermuda, headfirst, into sharp rocks. I still have the scar, and it makes me look like the antichrist, apparently.
When i had my son. i did it with no meds or anything. it hurt more than when i broke my foot on vacation to Virginia Beach with my high school chorus class and i was racing my friends down the stairs to the pool to our hotel and i tripped and fell down the stairs. man did that hurt, lol. but that was a while ago. b4 ppl start asking im 19, and my son is 6 months old. please don't judge me. thnx =)
(Sep. 02, 2010  9:20 PM)Xzyla Crios Wrote: When i had my son. i did it with no meds or anything. it hurt more than when i broke my foot on vacation to Virginia Beach with my high school chorus class and i was racing my friends down the stairs to the pool to our hotel and i tripped and fell down the stairs. man did that hurt, lol. but that was a while ago. b4 ppl start asking im 19, and my son is 6 months old. please don't judge. thnx =)

The last sentence confuses me.... anyways mine would be falling off the stairs and getting stuck on a zipline in a middle of a lake , ouch.
(Sep. 02, 2010  9:23 PM)slybadger123 Wrote:
(Sep. 02, 2010  9:20 PM)Xzyla Crios Wrote: When i had my son. i did it with no meds or anything. it hurt more than when i broke my foot on vacation to Virginia Beach with my high school chorus class and i was racing my friends down the stairs to the pool to our hotel and i tripped and fell down the stairs. man did that hurt, lol. but that was a while ago. b4 ppl start asking im 19, and my son is 6 months old. please don't judge. thnx =)

The last sentence confuses me.... anyways mine would be falling off the stairs and getting stuck on a zipline in a middle of a lake , ouch.

ops, i missed a word, thnx for letting me know ill go edit it, lol.

and that would totally suck lol
And it did happen , I'm afraid of heights now. Unhappy
pissing a kidney stone. GG all i win..
In gym I was running laps but I slipped and I slid across the floor and I smashed my face right against the wall. My nose was bleeding and I got a black eye and my face was all messed up. It's alright now though because it happened 2 years ago.
I was playing tennis with my cousin and we were playing against a wall... so i went all the way in the wall and when i turned back the yellow ball went straight to my nuts.................. and when i was 7 or 6 i feel off a 3 foot ledge my head open and i had a concussion i was bleeding so bad i fainted so i was rushed to the hospital.... then all i remember is that there was a stitch on my head after
when i was like 8 or 9 i was like pretending i was in a movie and there was this part where someone fell and i copied it but when i looked into my hand it looked weird and i think a tack or something went into my hand somehow it wasn't painful since i was like 8 or 9 i wasn't sure what happpend

i also sprained my hand playing sports one was when i was playing soccer indoors i slipped and landed on my hand so my hand was on the ground and my arm went foward it really hurt and i also couldn't feel my arm but it was hurting every time i tried to move it same thing happened in a basketball court but i also scratched my knee sorry for the long post
i was like 8 or 9 and i had gotten angry at my sister cuz of something and i had to clean my bed and i had a ceiling lamp with glass and i use a pillow to knock off the the like pebbles and crumbs and all that stuff from my bed and i was so mad i lifted the pillow so high and hard that it hit the glass and the glass fell on me one of the tiny shards of glass was stuck in my back so when i got it out i had this bump i not sure if i still have now which is 3 or 4 years later i was crying alot when the glass got stuk in there
Well i think the worst pain i ever experienced was probably when steaming hot coffee fell on my face when i was around 4, it was around a 12 oz container i still have the scar, i also broke the top of my pinky/little finger but it didn't hurt that much
My left testicle twisted and cut off the blood supply when I was 12. He blew up the size of a tennis ball. Had to be rushed into emergency surgery. Imagine the worst shot you have seen in the pond, multiply that number by 100 and you get an idea of the pain I was in!
Hah, went surfing last week in Hells Mouth, fell off the surfboard and after about ten seconds of being stuck under a wave another surfer came crashing into me, thats not the bit that hurt much, the bit that hurt most was being hit on the head by the fin of the surfboard XD
Lets see.....Oh yeah. When i was in Boy Scouts, We were shooting rifles at a target place. One guy missed horribly and it bounced off a metal pole and hit me pretty close to the heart. Kind of in between the shoulder and the heart. I wasn't hurt all too much because I had a badge there and it kindadeflected the bullet into the spot. Aren't i lucky
(Sep. 04, 2010  8:52 PM)Akel Wrote: Lets see.....Oh yeah. When i was in Boy Scouts, We were shooting rifles at a tarhet place. One guy missed horribly and it bounced off a metal pole and hit me pretty close to the heart. Kind of in between the shoulder and the heart. I wasn't hurt all too much because I had a badge there and it kindadeflected the bullet into the spot. Aren't i lucky
yes you are

how old were you?
falling down a huge tree that i climbed on and fell off and i broke my leg and arm and a ambulance had to come im 13 but i was 11 and scince then ive never cilimed up a tree again.... well sometimes but not huge ones
I fell out a tree while my legs where open landing in a split on concrete that was friggen painful.
(Sep. 04, 2010  8:58 PM)Akel Wrote: I was 12 why?
you were shooting rifles at 12Chocked_2
the most painful thing i can remember happening to me is when i was 8 and my leg got cut by glass.although lucky for me,i didn't need stitches.
(Sep. 05, 2010  12:53 AM)pegasis105rf Wrote:
(Sep. 04, 2010  8:58 PM)Akel Wrote: I was 12 why?
you were shooting rifles at 12Chocked_2

Not like sniper rifles just your standard hunting one.
Well mine is spraining both my ankles.(Not at the same time.)
And getting nail polish remover in my right eye. It burned like heck. Uncertain
(Sep. 04, 2010  8:58 PM)Akel Wrote: I was 12 why?

they let u shoot rifles in boyscouts??? this aint the military lol