Why F230 CF/GCF breaks the game

Poll: What should be done about F230?

Ban it altogether
Ban it to some extent
Leave it alone
Total: 100% 95 vote(s)
(Feb. 17, 2014  12:28 AM)TheBlackDragon Wrote: Against Genbull F230/anything else relevant in the meta?

On another note, I don't have much trouble knocking it off balance and winning via OS by deep banking, even with a second person launching it.

What do you mean? I stated I used it with (More specifically, Killerken) Dragoon F230 (More specifically, GCF)

Last night, it worked alright for me.

CS was new/unused, not sure if it has a large factor, most likely not.
IMO it should be banned (in Zero-g only),because it can outspin almot any custom because of it's high LAD capabilities especially when used with the synchrom Revizer Dragoon.
It should be banned for all formats because it's LAD is too high.
(Jul. 10, 2014  1:03 PM)"L Wrote: It should be banned for all formats because it's LAD is too high.

It can be countered and defeated more easily in other formats compared to this one, though- it's not undefeatable.
Yeah,Leone19 is right,the F230CF/GCF setup can sometimes be K.Oed by sway attackers.