(Jun. 24, 2019 4:12 AM)God Dragruler Wrote: wait you think I'm mad at aiga ? so just because I'm point flaws you think I'm mad at him LOL. let me tell you something i even trash my favourite characters so don't misunderstand the aiga is the center and I'm angry that's not my first with these kind of characters comic book character have way much more complicity and don't get angry at than i point the flaws and that's it the only time I get angry at those kind of thing if their being useless despite being good beside that I've stop getting angry at those thing along time ago. oh since you misunderstood what i mean new flash Naruto didn't lose to kaguya did he? i don't know how you miss the part the main character will stand at the end you didn't see .cause I clearly stated that it doesn't matter if the villain or rival is stronger the main he or she won't lose at the end that includes getting outside help theirs load of characters that wins that way but that doesn't mind he/she didn't win or that he wasn't part of the reason why they win .it also include shield hero thought the light novel that's his strength having filo , raphtalia and more . but my point is the main will stand it's his or her story even if the got outside helps .I'm don't think your mad at Aiga, its just a lot of the flaws you say are discredited by what the show actually gives us and your argument has a carp ton of holes as a result.
You said " I've seen characters that was showcase even worse than what beyblade character has. And by the way all main character has plot armor. No main character is going to end in his show without being at the top". yeah, I've read enough, seen enough and know enough to know that's carp. Don't down play me and try to con me with that when it was your words.
Some characters don't win at the end but they don't lose either. That's what you're trying to say. Take a look at Code Lyoko Episode 74: XANA used a sateliette to fire a laser at a massive comet, breaking it apart and chaning directions, and making a huge meteor shower directed at the school and destroy the factory with 3/5 warriors in the supercomputer, one responisble for getting them out while the meteors kill the one member stuck in school. Despite all of there efforts, the warriors in the virtual world can't get past the monsters, the mission control can't redirect the satelliete in school, and the one at school and the meteor is above the school ready to kill all five of them. How do they get out of it?
By losing. They remove the one person the villain is trying to capture from the virtual world back to the real world, and he needs her alive so he destroys his own plan to save her. They lost to make sure he didn't win. So no, heroes can find a way to end a conflict but not necessarily mean by the end of a story, they'll be better than the villain and the strongest. And I didn't even have to use an anime to point this out.