What's your preffered style of blading?

Poll: Witch Style do you prefer

Total: 100% 905 vote(s)
Can "Combo" refer to Defense-Stamina. There are beyblades which mixes those two attributes together
That falls under Balance/Combo, so yes, it does.

My preferred style of blading would be Attack, but I just feel as though I need more practice with them before I can be comfortable using them to the immensity of which I would like in a tournament situation.
my favorite is attack,and stamina, if not defense.
Actually, as much as I'm fascinated with Attack... I usually go for Defense.
I've always been a big user of Combination/Balance-type Beyblades. Recently though, I've been very interested in Attack types, especially since I got Cyber Pegasis, Screw Capricorn, and Blitz Unicorno.

My favorite Balance-type combo is Killer Capricorne SW145FS.
It's almost hilarious that the majority of votes go toward atack types, and yet competetivly attack types aren't "safe" so no one uses them. Still, attack types have been on the rise lately, and despite what I just said these votes are very evenly spread out. Attack types are in 1st and Stamina types are in last, as to be expected from people who want fast paced action. Balance types are also high up because many people want the best off all of the types. And that leaves Defense in 3rd. Ironic as this is probobly the most used type of bey.
(Jan. 03, 2012  5:35 AM)LeonTempestXIII Wrote: It's almost hilarious that the majority of votes go toward atack types, and yet competetivly attack types aren't "safe" so no one uses them. Still, attack types have been on the rise lately, and despite what I just said these votes are very evenly spread out. Attack types are in 1st and Stamina types are in last, as to be expected from people who want fast paced action. Balance types are also high up because many people want the best off all of the types. And that leaves Defense in 3rd. Ironic as this is probobly the most used type of bey.

Maybe everyone's tired of Defense types due to competition? I like all the types, I enjoy making new combos for each of them. Balance is just my favorite.
I prefer attack. That's simply...I guess my type. I like seeing the aggressive movements of the Beyblade. Plus it makes for epic battles, seeing as my VariAres can blow away my Phantom Bull easily. It's kind of hard to explain why I like attack types though. But my second favorite would be combo, seeing as I like balance types; again, hard to explain why. It's usually a balance of defense and stamina, if not always. And my third favorite is defense, because I like fast battles. But when necessary, I will use a defense type. I'd rather win than have a fast battle where I lose. And stamina types..not really my thing. I really don't like drawn out battles, as you can probably already deduce from my post. Instead of stamina, I use a balance between defense and stamina, which is pretty good for stamina also. I just don't like pure stamina types because they can get so easily knocked out of the stadium and they have quite a few weaknesses.
I still like a combo of defense and stamina. all out attack is nice but i like more technical play.

Probably Attack. I love quick and easy battles. I also love the look on peoples faces when their beyblade flies across the room five seconds into the battle as my MF Blitz Unicorno CH120RF charges straight at them.

My second favourite would be Staminas. I love building up tension as both start to slow down, but you hope you done the stronger launch.

I love both of them types.
My favourite style of blading huh?
Attack or else stamina battles....
Attack battles get over fast
Stamina beys play for long time

I like both those opposites... I like attack stamina more than attack then comes defense. Its boring to see def. battles for me, though iam interested in some defense beys...
All out attack, and Defense/Stamina Hybrid.
Well, majority of my beys are stamina typesSmile Guess I'm that dormant.
I prefer Stamina, it is better than the Attack Type Beyblades. because Stamina Beys can spin longer. Smile
Combination. I can pretty much use every type somewhat well...
I generally prefer stamina, I like to have complete control of the battle and slowly yet meticulously wear down my opponent until they cease to spin. But unfortunately pure stam isn't viable so i go with an either attack+stam or defence+stam combo.
I don't know why but i have always preferred attack type beyblades
I absolutely LOVE attack types.If there was no attack types, i wouldv'e never been blading!!!My personal favorite attack:Big bang pegasis 230 R2F!!!!
My strategy is hit 'em fast and hit 'em hard. I always love using OHKO combos, but now a days I also stamina types too
Definitely Combo!!!!
I personally go with Defense because they are hard to push around (except for Flash) and MAY counter- attack if it has the right part (semi-aggro CS) and cause the opponent to lose spin. I use Death, though (curse you tight budget!)