What's your Bey's special move?

If you had a special move for your bey what would it be called and what would it do? Don't copy special moves from the show!
My special move would be called Aries Eternal Torture. It would slam the bey against the stadium wall and do it until the other bey stops spinning. It would give the other bey torture for the rest of the eternity a.k.a battle.
Is this an applicable thread for here? I'm not sure myself, but I've reported it.
My beys special move would be Black Lightning Hurricane. My Aries goes flying around the stadium at the speed of light and then does a barrage attack from every angle possible. >: )
Leone Iron Wall Counter Smash!
I'm not sure if this thread is needed and if it has to be closed but I'll just say anyways. My Flash Orion's special move would be "Orion, Piercing Arrow!" where my Bey would go in the air, go back, and then shoot at high speeds at the other bey.
(Aug. 02, 2012  8:43 PM)Manaphy12342 Wrote: Is this an applicable thread for here? I'm not sure myself, but I've reported it.
If this thread is in the wrong category then mod's please move it.
Special moves just do not exist ... Therefore this does not deserve a topic.