What is the best beyblade for each type???

I would like to know which bey blade you guys think is the best for:
Write down which one YOU think is the best for each type and reasons why it's so good.
Check the ones in the Competitive MFB Combos thread:


They are the best ones thus far.
I have seen the wiki but I want opinions not some website explaining everything for me
(Dec. 23, 2012  2:18 PM)Bro_Die333 Wrote: I have seen the wiki but I want opinions not some website explaining everything for me

every combo has gone through extreme, high, valid testing, therefore they are the best so far.
(Dec. 23, 2012  2:18 PM)Bro_Die333 Wrote: I have seen the wiki but I want opinions not some website explaining everything for me

The beywiki website is made by the members here. It's highly reliable.