What Are You Listening To Right Now?

Bob Dylan- Subterranean Homesick Blues

See what I did there?
Radiohead - Kid A (CD)

"Optimistic" is currently playing. Not sure how I feel about this disc. Its like it wants you to believe it has depth but I've listened to it multiple times and unlike OK Computer I don't feel like I'm finding any subtle musical qualities the more I listen to it.
(Dec. 31, 2008  7:13 PM)Roan Wrote: Radiohead - Kid A (CD)

"Optimistic" is currently playing. Not sure how I feel about this disc. Its like it wants you to believe it has depth but I've listened to it multiple times and unlike OK Computer I don't feel like I'm finding any subtle musical qualities the more I listen to it.

You fall in love with Kid A when you least expect it. It'll happen magically one day and you'll be all wtfffffffffffffffff
We'll see.

Thursday - Sugar in the Sacrament
Radiohead- Scotch Mist broadcast

Decided to make this a New Years Eve tradition lol.
Dreamborn reeling off the top 5 games of the year in UK, USA and Japan.
(Dec. 31, 2008  11:44 PM)May The Pirate Wrote: Dreamborn reeling off the top 5 games of the year in UK, USA and Japan.

Wow, fun. XD
Radiohead- Killer Cars

B-side from High and Dry. It's pretty carp tasty.
I'm a joker
I'm a smoker
an I'm a fa shizzile dizzile ma nizzle fizzle bizzle

fatboy slim and steve miller band
Underoath - Too Bright to See, Too Loud to Hear
Thrice - Firebreather (Live from House of Blues)

I love this song. Its definitely one of my favorites by Thrice, if not my all time favorite.
Dir en grey - THE PLEDGE

heh, how fitting.
american vultures- the blood brothers

worst intro and outro ever (like...seriously). chorus is kind of catchy though
Gackt - noesis (Single version)
Smashing Pumpkins - Blank Page

Song is so beautiful.
the Smiths- The Boy With the Thorn in His Side
Smashing Pumpkins - MACHINA II: The Friends and Enemies of Modern Music (CD)

Currently jamming to "Cash Car Star". This CD rules, I'm pissed that Virgin never released it so all we got are crappy vinyl rips. Unhappy
Smashing Pumpkins - Rocket

I miss everything I'll never be.
Gackt - mind forest