
I'm seriously LOL'ing at how people cut off their sentences with spoilers. And I agree with that last part Ra/Amaterasu (still know you as Ra), well, he is
I know people will click this anyways LOL (Click to View)
And scipio, why? It was obvious as soon as Dark Forest was introduced that that would happen.
The ending of the 4th apprentice so..so epic! I wonder if Erin will make sky clan and the tribe help? Like
any of u guys agree but what's your guys warrior/medicine cat name? Mines spotted nose and ima thunderclan medicine cat!
(May. 02, 2011  12:37 AM)Amaterasu Wrote: The ending of the 4th apprentice so..so epic! I wonder if Erin will make sky clan and the tribe help? Like
any of u guys agree but what's your guys warrior/medicine cat name? Mines spotted nose and ima thunderclan medicine cat!

Are you talking about the Warriors. com thing. Well if you are im a Shadow Clan warrior named Brightfire.
Yes yes i am
Oh, uhh, I think I was like Hawkfire or Hawk something. Did that once a year ago, never did it again.
We had to read a book during school & I saw this & decided to read it for a joke. It looked kind of weird when it has the title 'Warriors' & on the cover of cats. It turned out not to bad but I never got really far because I started reading it at the end of the year & had to return it to the library.
Then please, continue! It starts off with my all time favorite series (original FTW), and it stays great throughout!
(May. 03, 2011  3:00 AM)GaHooleone Wrote: Then please, continue! It starts off with my all time favorite series (original FTW), and it stays great throughout!

I prefer the second series. I guess I just prefer the characters from the second series.
Edit: sorry for bump.
I just finished the whole series so far and I have one word to describe it : wow just wow
I love the books. I'm reading Firestar's quest.
I'm reading Firestar's Quest right now. Firestar=awesomeness
NOOOO... Firestar died in the last book I read... That's kinda sad...
Now that the Dark Forest is gone (I think), I'm not sure Hunter is gonna write more books. Somebody correct me if she is or has already.
She has.... many. she's written a book about survivors (dog), and a series about bears...
I know about those, I meant if she was going to write more Warriors books....
I love these books. I first got in when I read Firestars Quest, and I have the whole current series on my Kindle Fire. I have the books, "manga," and the special editions with official artwork.

My favorite character is Jaypaw/Jayfeather.