Yes, ladies and gentlemen, I got off my lazy butt and made this!
My graphics guy will be "CRUelty" so give him some props! Really awesome guy!
I'll be posting patch notes every week or so, and will give the call for some beta test buyers to come here. If you know how to HTML, please, contact via PM ASAP. Also, a person experienced with Google Checkout and/or Paypal would be much appreciated.
Patch Notes 2
-Home Page white on top of blue sorta done
-Products catergory choose page complete!
Patch Notes 1
-Home page drafted
-Graphics done for two new releases
-Blog post
-Navigation Bar
-FAQ Drafted
-Switched color from teal to blue!
My graphics guy will be "CRUelty" so give him some props! Really awesome guy!
I'll be posting patch notes every week or so, and will give the call for some beta test buyers to come here. If you know how to HTML, please, contact via PM ASAP. Also, a person experienced with Google Checkout and/or Paypal would be much appreciated.
Patch Notes 2
-Home Page white on top of blue sorta done
Spoiler (Click to View)
Spoiler (Click to View)
Patch Notes 1
Spoiler (Click to View)
-Graphics done for two new releases
-Blog post
-Navigation Bar
-FAQ Drafted
-Switched color from teal to blue!