WBO's First Writing Battle-Little Boy In Dah Woods...hehe...

I decided to go ahead and make the thread.

The challenge, as specified by RAW, is to describe a scene of a boy in the woods
(Jun. 24, 2011  8:44 PM)RAW Wrote: Hmmm......I don't mind making a challenge.....A BOY WALKING THROUGH A FOREST

Who accepts?


So far, the participants:
*Inzuma Inzori


The end date is July 6th, and PM your entries to PattyCakeChamp when you finish. As soon as the date rolls around, or all of the participants finish after the 30th, I will post the entries in the OP, and the voting will commence! After July 10th, We will tally the votes and decide on a winner!

Good luck to all participators!
Adding cyber blader to the list.
Can I join? :3
(Jun. 24, 2011  11:55 PM)NoodooSoup Wrote: Can I join? :3

You? Of course! Just make sure you read the dates.
I would like to participate.
Is there going to be a word limit or something?
I'll join!
I'm in
Ok, I think all of the spots are filled.
(Jun. 26, 2011  10:08 AM)RowDog Wrote: Is there going to be a word limit or something?
You are limited to NO MORE than 1 paragraph (about 10 or 12 sentences).

I finished!! Once you do, send it to me via PM and I'll add it to the OP once I have everyones.

Good luck to all, and let the WBO's first ever writing battle commence!
ok, here i go!
Since you are competing I will Post them if you would like :3
(Jun. 26, 2011  3:49 PM)PattyCakeChamp! Wrote: Since you are competing I will Post them if you would like :3

That's a good idea. Ok, everyone will send their finished products to PattyCakeChamp
Just finished! YAY, hope everyone likes it!
WAIT! Is it supposed to be specific like first person or third person?
(Jun. 27, 2011  10:31 AM)BeybladerPotter Wrote: WAIT! Is it supposed to be specific like first person or third person?

any person. just make it good if you want to beat me! Tee Hee!
Can't wait, hopefully they will be posted soon.
Sent mine.Smile It's got a twist at the end.Joyful_3
How many people are done? It is a mystery
I look forward to reading everyone's stories.
(Jun. 28, 2011  12:52 AM)CyberBlader27 Wrote: How many people are done? It is a mystery
I look forward to reading everyone's stories.

I'm not Crying
Slots are full. Unless Sparta changes it to have more people, then yes, it's too late.
(Jun. 28, 2011  3:29 AM)NoodooSoup Wrote: Slots are full. Unless Sparta changes it to have more people, then yes, it's too late.

Yeah, sorry. TO have more than 10 people enter would be like letting constipated birds run wild in your house. It would end up being a mess...

Don't worry. There will be plenty of other competitions to enter (Maybe they'll be less lame Joyful_2)
(Jun. 28, 2011  3:44 AM)The Fire Wyrm Wrote: But I had a funny one.... Oh well.

Trust me, there are and will be plenty more competitions (And just so you know, if this becomes a big enough hit, I may hold a championship!)
Wow. Too bad Night isn't around anymore. He was an amazing writer. I look forward to voting! Put your best foot forward, and don't let Sparta intimidate you. And Sparta? Good luck, man.