WBO Organized Play Updates October 2024 & AustieFrosty Joins WBO Staff Team!

Hello World Bladers!

Just like September's update, we will be announcing a slew of changes and updates! 

First and foremost, we would like to announce and congratulate AustieFrosty on joining the WBO Staff Team!

Their area of focus will be on the Marketing side of things, aiding and supporting WBO Marketing Team initiatives while also providing much needed vibrancy, colour, and art to the Organization we have been lacking recently! Given their fantastic artistic talents and eagerness, we think they'll be the best fit for WBO's artistic expression going forward.

Please join us in celebrating another new addition to the ever-growing WBO Staff Team! 

Regarding Organized Play changes for the month of October, we have adapted, refined, and re-written a few parts of the X Format rulebook! On top of this we've also added a new Match Type to our recommended list on the Match Types Guide! Read on below to find out more.

[IMPORTANT] All Format Rulebooks: Side Picking & Side Switching, Video Review Calls
[IMPORTANT] X Format Rulebook: Updated Sticker Regulations
[IMPORTANT] Match Types Guide: Launcher Limits Removed, WBO Deck Rewording, & Bo3 Match Type!
[IMPORTANT] Organizer's Guide: Failure to Complete Post-Tournament Responsibilities Mean Unranked Events

All Format Rulebooks: Side Picking, Side Switching & A New Launching "Review" Call!

One area of interest for us recently has been refining the written rules of the Start of Matches. In particular we wanted to revisit how exactly picking sides is codified, as well as being more explicit in our wording of "Who gets what side?". 

Up until now, the official WBO Format rulings have been a bit up to interpretation, with some Organizers/areas viewing the rule in X Format as a reiteration of the official B4 stance where the side is picked once, while others have viewed it as the side being picked for the first Battle only, and alternating every following Battle.

Neither interpretation is wrong or a "bad" way to play, but this did mean that our instructions could be further refined. Our default rules across all Rulebooks will read as follows:

Beyblade & Side Selection Section Wrote:Bladers will be stationed across from each other on the Left and Right sides of the BeyStadium. Which side each Blader assumes must be decided by fair means (ex. Judge’s coin flip/dice roll, or rock-paper-scissors), with the winner getting to pick their preferred side. This positioning lasts for the duration of the Match.

We also chose to expand the options of side determination beyond RPS. For those that have played or do play other games, choosing sides or who goes first can be determined in a variety of "fair" ways. 

Because this may be a serious change for some players or areas that have been switching after every Battle for Beyblade X, a Ranked Clause will be added and reads as follows:

Ranked Clauses Guide Wrote:Continuous Side Switching
Bladers will be stationed across from each other on the Left and Right sides of the BeyStadium. Which side each Blader assumes must be decided by fair means (ex. Judge’s coin flip/dice roll, or rock-paper-scissors), with the winner getting to pick their starting side. This orientation is inverted after each subsequent Battle.

Another sore point for certain areas was video review policy. In a game that happens as fast as Beyblade, especially X, it makes sense that a lot of Organizers/areas rely on video recording to come to the most accurate conclusions on what transpires in the stadium. Our existing Relaunch section does not address this reality explicitly.

Relaunching & Review Section Wrote:If your launch is obstructed or noticeably underpowered due to an event beyond your control or contact is made in mid-air, you can request a relaunch, which will immediately void and end the current battle. 

Alternatively, if Video Review is available for your Match you may request a review call, which will not void/end the current battle, but result in the Judge reviewing relevant video captured at the end of the Match to determine if a change in outcome or rematch is required.

The primary reasons you’d want to request a relaunch are:
  • Your launcher malfunctions in a way that causes your launch to be underpowered
  • You are accidentally hit or shoved by the opposing player or a spectator
The primary reasons you'd want to request a review call are:
  • Contact was made before both Beyblades touched the stadium floor once, and the video footage may show that
  • You believe outside interference or an improper launch occurred, and the video footage may show that
Bladers are entitled to a single relaunch or review call per battle, though judges may freely invoke relaunches/reviews for Bladers outside of their allocation if they have a valid concern.

Bladers must request a relaunch or review call during the countdown or immediately afterwards. The judge may also deny the request if they feel it is invalid.

X Format Rulebook: Updated Sticker Placement Ruling

As we continue to see more interested and intricate Beyblade X designs, so too do we see the need to update what we consider to be legal and intended cosmetic regulations. One such example is the Lightning L-Drago Blade remakes, where we see stickers placed on contact points. Our current ruling suggests this is an illegal modification when we as players know this is an intended call-back, with this sticker positioning present across all promotional materials.

Because of this change, our rules needed to be updated! They are as follows:

Additional Equipment Regulations Wrote:Sticker Placement: Custom stickers cannot be placed anywhere where two parts of the Beyblade come into contact with each other. Official stickers must conform to sticker positioning outlined by the official instructions/intended placement of each product.

This ruling does not change the fact that Bladers are not allowed to position stickers where they don't belong (ex. an over-the-top, sticker-bombed Wizard Rod Blade) but does allow for stickers where they are intended to be as evidenced by legitimate Takara-Tomy and Hasbro materials.

WBO Match Types Guide: Launcher Limits Removed, WBO Deck re-wording, New Best of 3 Match Type Added!

Our last addition to any rulebooks for this month are the following: Launcher Limits across all WBO Match Types are now removed!

The upshot of this is that a Blader can bring as many necessary tools for Battle (outside of their Beyblades!) as desired. This is a common occurrence in the East Asian Beyblade scene, and our current Organized Play direction seems to be heading toward more freedom overall. Naturally, this extends to what we allow Bladers to bring to their Match. If you want to bring a variety of different launchers for each possible 1on1 scenario, this is now allowed.

Another change is a slight tweaking to wording in the WBO Deck Match Type instructions. We notice that it could do with a bit of fat-trimming for the sake of being more easily digestible. One way we went about that is to streamline the instruction process to reflect how Matches and Battles are actually played. Nothing about the Match Type has changed in practice, just how we choose to describe it.

It now reads as follows on Step 5's "Switching Combos" Section:

WBO Deck Match Type Wrote:Switching Combos
     i. If a replay is declined, both Bladers may freely select a Beyblade from their deck to use in the next battle.
     ii. The winner of the previous battle must make their selection first, and then show that Beyblade to their opponent.
     iii. The loser then may select any of the Beyblades in their deck to use for the next battle.
     iv. Any mode changes should occur after both players have selected their Beyblades, taking place double blind if required.

Our last bit of changes/additions to the Match Types Guide is the inclusion of another way to play that has seen some success across many different regions in the US! 

It will join the existing Match Types in the Guide as the "Best of 3 (Bo3) Match Type". This Match Type works as follows:

[Image: ruXj27H.png]

As with all of these changes, your input and feedback as Bladers and Organizers is required!

Organizer's Guide: Fail to Submit Post-Tournament Resources After 2 Weeks? The Event Become Unranked.

Our last update is a tweak to how we treat delinquency in Post-Tournament Responsibilities by Organizers. Prior to today Organizers had two weeks to complete their responsibilities (ex. Winning Combos Posts, Spreadsheets for relevant Formats, etc.). If they took longer than that, they wouldn't be able to post another Event until they were caught up as well as running the risk of being warned or banned.

We have found that while this has sometimes been successful, we failed to realize that the entire Ranked System being held up for 2+ weeks at a time was not tenable. 

From now on, if an Event Organizer fails to produce the required resources or complete their responsibilities for their Events after two weeks, their Events also become automatically unranked as to not cause undue backlog and leave the rest of the community hanging.

Your input is greatly appreciated If you have any feedback on these particular changes, or any questions or suggestions for further adjustments or additions, please post your thoughts below or in the WBO Organized Play Rules thread

Thank you to everyone for your continued support of WBO Organized Play! We appreciate any and all feedback and are always looking to improve and clarify things where possible.
austie my goat
Congratulations Austie! Looking forward to working with you man 🙌
(Oct. 16, 2024  2:20 AM)Cindercast Wrote: austie my goat

THE GOAT, CINDER 😤 Thank you!!
(Oct. 16, 2024  2:23 AM)#Fafnir Wrote: Congratulations Austie! Looking forward to working with you man 🙌

Likewise! Thank you so very much!
I sincere thank you to all of the WBO Staff for bringing me on! I am so excited to make an impact here, and look forward to sharing everything with all of our wonderful Bladers! 😊
Congrats Austie!

As well, glad to see the rules getting more explicit rulings Smile