WBO @ MCM Expo October 24th-25th


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One Beyblade is prepared and used in each First Stage match.

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Well I think most of you know this is happening but because I'm rubbish I never really totally comnfirmed anything, except maybe to some of the guys I was chatting with at Regents Rumble. Anyways, this is definitely on. Sorry for the wait.

Basically, this time around we won't be having a fullscale tourney. If you want to compete between yourselves I can draw up a few RR grids while we're there but we won't be having a large tourney like last time. It'll be mainly freebattles and then for newbies, demos, explanations, etc. We need to make people feel welcome, chat to them and battle with them, etc. Grin

Then, probably on the Saturday 3 weeks after the tourney, we'll have a tournament at Regents Park. Hopefully, we'll have got some new people interested at the Expo and might get a bigger turn out for this time around, but even if we don't then it'll still be nice to see everyone again and get some battles in. Can anyone who's interested PM or post here whether they can make that date? It'd be the 14th November. Also, any suggestions for tourney names and such are welcome. XD

If you have restrictions and think you'll only be able to make one event then I'd suggest trying to make the tourney. However, I still want to see as many people as possible at the Expo because we'll have loads of fun and battles there too and I need you guys to help spread the Beyword. Wink

Useful links:
http://www.londonexpo.com - For all your Expo queries.
http://www.tfl.gov.uk - Essential travel stuffs.
Any other questions, post here or PM me. Please, please make sure you know how you're getting there, travelling around London can be tricky, especially when random tube lines are closed sporadically. Pinching_eyes_2 So it's best to know exactly what you're doing and have a back up plan. My number is 07504988874, call or text if you're running late/lost.


This is the attendance list so far, question marks next to those who I'm not totally sure about or who said they were coming but didn't specify a day. I kinda assumed people were coming on the Staurday as that's normally the busiest day but I could be wrong so if you're coming on the Sunday or even both days then let me know!

Lee Draciel
Zander Soulwind
brazman (?)
drigers (?)
Clara6661 (?)
Clara6661's cousin (?)
revertedtozero's friends (?)
x_chaos riot
Cyber Kerberous


Lee Draciel

(4 ^^Wink

And can we try not to spam up this thread too much? I know you guys are pretty chatty and that can't be helped but I don't want people to have to sift through pages of meaningless chatter to find out what's happening. Pinching_eyes_2

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The place were we are is kinda good in a way because we don't want many people right so then not many people would hang around there.

Brad: you can always try hehehe.
I think your going to be suprised. People DO circulate the expo hall lol.

(Oct. 15, 2009  9:25 PM)cutewolfsam Wrote: The place were we are is kinda good in a way because we don't want many people right so then not many people would hang around there.
i know but i remeber like when i went up there there wasn't as many people at the end as at the bottom of were we used to be.
Man, what a pain that we are at the back but whatever.

Also, sorry Rocky, I would help on friday but I can't for two reasons, the first is because of money and the second is because I have got to be somewhere by 11:09am which is a pain in the butt. *sigh*
What is so bad at being at the back ?
lot of walking LOL
not that bad but there will be traffic cos we are right by the star guest stand
(Oct. 16, 2009  5:52 PM)Cyber Kerberous Wrote: Lots of walking LOL
Not that bad but there will be traffic because we are right by the star guest stand.

Dude, look at the map again:

[Image: mcmexpomapoctober2009.png]

We're practically next to some of the popular stands, it's like the event organisers want us to have the biggest turnout possible out of all the stands! Though with that, I think we may need a new server in the event a lot of people want to join this group, but that's the british section of the WBO: So productive, we'd could just as well do a Meetup with a different country.
that is exactly what I just said: we are next to the popular stands - the guest stand will be popular, its just more obvious than others.
As someone who isn't paying a dime for their space, I'm not too fussed where we're situated lol.
There is a slight worry about the amount of room we have....if that's as big as I think it is then it'll be quite small. Most groups with that kinda of space would be selling and have one or two tables dividing the space and leave it as that, I'm guessing we'll have it more open plan. We'll have to watch out for fire safety hazards and whatnot but I think it'll be alright if we branch into at least the back aisle, people often sit there anyways (plus that means our bey will be battling at ground level rather than on high tables Wink). Let's make the whole area reasonably ours.

Oh yeah, but when it's Guest Signing it's gonna be hella packed. Hella packed.
(Oct. 16, 2009  6:54 PM)Rocky Wrote: Oh yeah, but when it's Guest Signing it's gonna be hella packed. Hella packed.

Last time it was signings for Merlin and there was that massive que with people staring at ussss Tongue_out

Also, to make sure; when people got their tickets, did it come in an email as a pdf file that you had to print?

Cause that was the case for me - maybe its their way to beat the postal strike

Did anyone else have to do this?
probably so but the postal strike doesn't start until next thursday though so order quick guys s for me i'm buying on the day.
(Oct. 16, 2009  7:19 PM)Ash Wrote: Last time it was signings for Merlin and there was that massive que with people staring at ussss Tongue_out

Also, to make sure; when people got their tickets, did it come in an email as a pdf file that you had to print?

Cause that was the case for me - maybe its their way to beat the postal strike

Did anyone else have to do this?

No, my brother got ours through the post but I think he did it pretty early anyway.

Just as a side note: My bro is going to be cosplayed up as Urahara so look out for him if you can.
If you ordered tickets around this week you will get your tickets in e-ticket format, a .pdf file which you'll have to print off and bring to the event.

This is potentially to beat the postal strike, but also to remove ticket delays etc., which would cause entry problems.

I had to do this, having ordered them this week.
(Oct. 15, 2009  9:24 PM)cutewolfsam Wrote: could your mate give all members of the wbo a discount since were in the same community.

Y'know I forgot to say, I know you weren't really serious but knowing Alex and how laid back he is he probably will. He lets me use his staff discount when I buy games lol
Awesome so maybe he could then for serious.
(Oct. 14, 2009  8:08 PM)Pikachao Wrote: If we're discussing Pokémon stuff, I'll have my Pokémon Yellow/Blue/Crystal/Silver all with me and a link cable if anyone's bothered to battle.

I'll bring Yellow with my Grey Brick! :3

I'm curious as to how many people will be taking their plastics? I didn't plan on taking mine as my collection is on the small side, but if lots of poeple are taking them I may aswell.
Only just realised how soon this is, I might not be able to make all the days as I'm pretty skint atm and don't get paid till the 27th of this month, but I'll see what I can do.
Well you'll be getting money off me then lol.Wink (hint hint)
Sam is too generous xD

Neek I'll show you my newbie team (Cyndaquil and Bellsprout) on silver Tongue_out Fail
Anddd Is that guy selling new video games? (Like if it was FIFA 10 I would buy it ASAP!)
(Oct. 18, 2009  9:09 AM)Ash Wrote: Neek I'll show you my newbie team (Cyndaquil and Bellsprout) on silver Tongue_out Fail

Don't worry, I started a new save on Yellow a while back and haven't got rund to training my team. I have a week to get it up to Pikachao's standards! xD
(Oct. 18, 2009  10:17 AM)Neeek Wrote: Don't worry, I started a new save on Yellow a while back and haven't got rund to training my team. I have a week to get it up to Pikachao's standards! xD

Don't worry, I'm only just up to beating the elite four on my Crystal and my Pokémon are pathetic on yellow, only around level 40. I haven't gotten round to training lvl 100s again yet lol.
Guys, we're going off topic here...

Anyway, on topic, are you sure you're going to make posters for the event?

(100th post, Woo!)
(Oct. 17, 2009  9:08 PM)cutewolfsam Wrote: Awesome so maybe he could then for serious.
Yeah probably, he said he was there at both days at the last expo but I never saw him. I told him I'll get him sacked if he doesn't show to this one though lol.
lol your mean.
Ahaha, just an update. I think I'm going on the Saturday instead of the Sunday now, sorry for the inconvenience. ;P