Uncommon Beys In your Area.

This topic is for you to talk about beys that are not seen, rare to see, or rare beys that you thought you would never see in your area.

The most uncommon bey to see in my area is Meteo L-Drago.
All I usually see is Galaxy Pegasus, Thermal Lacerta, etc.

I think this actually needs to be moved to another thread. So if it does can a MOD please move it.
Err, seems more suited in the Bey-Marketplace.
I made a thread almost like this, and it got closed.
(Apr. 08, 2012  4:23 PM)EternalBlader Wrote: I made a thread almost like this, and it got closed.

No, yours was 'Rare Beyblade's you've seen in Stores'. There is a thread very similar to it and that's why it got closed.
I think this is better suited for the "Bey Marketplace" thread than here. Would a mod kindly close this thread or move it? (Yes, I'm now telling you how to do your jobs Tongue_out)
I actually found an old Metal Fusion String Launcher at my local K-Mart. And yes, I know a launcher is not a bey...
Well, there was a Striker Drone at a local Wal-Mart...
Oh, you mean real beys?
I found a Poison Zurafa at long last, and a Rock Zurafa as well.
We just got some Grand Cetus' and Flame Byxi after forever, but I was surprised to see a Poision Zurafa...
Thanks to Cannon for telling me the plural of Cetus.
(Apr. 08, 2012  5:49 PM)XXaron Wrote: We just got some Grand Cetus(Plural?) and Flame Byxi after forever, but I was surprised to see a Poision Zurafa...
Plural of Cetus is Cetus'
Uncommon, huh? Anything that's not Wave 1/2.
a cosmic pegasis is rare where i live it hasnt even been in stores yet Smile
It hasn't been released anywhere yet ...
I really dont see all the beys like Gravity perseus, cetus, byxis, horogium, or any L-Dragos. If im lucky, a cyclone herucleo, or some rare 2 packs...
I've actually never seen a Basalt Horogium in any of my local stores before, so I bought one off Amazon.
Actually, the first Hasbro Starter Gravity Perseus I saw was the only one I've seen (In that K-Mart, by the way).
Target usually has 2 seperate beyblade sections. One main one and another smaller branch on another isle. When I found this out the first time I checked we found Hades Kerbecs and Twisted Tempo. both never before seen for us at local stores soo make sure to check around when at Target.
i always see

1. garvity destroyer
2.grand cetus
3.flame bxyis
4.rock zurafa
5. hades kerbecs
6. twistwed tempo
Right now Target is the best for getting rare Beys. They have Bakushin Susanow and Cyber Aquario, Ult. Meteo L-Drago Assault and I even once saw a Hades Kerbecs! However my friends are aying that Gabriel Brother's has Ult. Gravity Destroyer Stamina and UMLD Absorb.
I got for easter from my parents a spiral capricorn and Meteo L-drago absorb DF105 LRF
I'm shocked hasderp even released LRF!
This really doesn't seem any different from people just listing what they find in stores in existing threads...

...because it isn't.