Do you guys have any tips about 3d printing beys?
[Unanswered] Tips about 3d printing
I’m working on one right now and all I can say is to
A) make sure your Beyblade has a somewhat round design and it’s blades don’t have too much recoil to where they will break
B) make sure there is nothing inside the area where you will be putting your forge disk
C) keep it somewhat unique
D) if your school has a 3D printer then printing your Beyblade off from their could save you a lot of money if they are ok with that. Shapeways is a little expensive otherwise.
E) make sure your Beyblade has somewhat rounded edges, a nice chip or character in the middle, and some color to it. It looks more professional this way.
F) if your printing out a multi colored Beyblade then try and print it off in different parts and glue t together bc most 3-d printers can only print one color at a time. If your ordering it on Shapeways then make sure your ordering the right parts in the right colors
G) make sure you use something like metal or ABS plastic to print your Beyblade in. I don’t suggest using anything weak like PLA plastic.
H) If you want to create your own Beyblade to 3-D print, I suggest using the online website called tinkercad! Go through the tutorial to learn the basics, then find a basic Beyblade left and right spin layer, copy the one you want into a new project, and then create your own Beyblade. If you want to learn how to make your own Beyblade here this guy is really helping me out!
Pt. 1
Pt 2
Here is the link to the left and right layer bases
Hope this helped!
[url=][/url]It requires a little bit of money for him to design your part, and then it costs even more to get it printed, but if you have some extra money to spare, like an extra 50-100, then it’s a great choice because he makes great, high quality designs and all you have to do is order them.
A) make sure your Beyblade has a somewhat round design and it’s blades don’t have too much recoil to where they will break
B) make sure there is nothing inside the area where you will be putting your forge disk
C) keep it somewhat unique
D) if your school has a 3D printer then printing your Beyblade off from their could save you a lot of money if they are ok with that. Shapeways is a little expensive otherwise.
E) make sure your Beyblade has somewhat rounded edges, a nice chip or character in the middle, and some color to it. It looks more professional this way.
F) if your printing out a multi colored Beyblade then try and print it off in different parts and glue t together bc most 3-d printers can only print one color at a time. If your ordering it on Shapeways then make sure your ordering the right parts in the right colors
G) make sure you use something like metal or ABS plastic to print your Beyblade in. I don’t suggest using anything weak like PLA plastic.
H) If you want to create your own Beyblade to 3-D print, I suggest using the online website called tinkercad! Go through the tutorial to learn the basics, then find a basic Beyblade left and right spin layer, copy the one you want into a new project, and then create your own Beyblade. If you want to learn how to make your own Beyblade here this guy is really helping me out!
Pt. 1
Pt 2
Here is the link to the left and right layer bases
Hope this helped!
(Apr. 10, 2019 1:37 AM)Jack jackson Wrote: Do you guys have any tips about 3d printing beys?If you just want to have someone make one for you though, I suggest you sign up here
[url=][/url]It requires a little bit of money for him to design your part, and then it costs even more to get it printed, but if you have some extra money to spare, like an extra 50-100, then it’s a great choice because he makes great, high quality designs and all you have to do is order them.
I want to do xandork but my parents won't let me because they think he will do something with their credit card number
(Apr. 10, 2019 10:12 PM)Jack jackson Wrote: I want to do xandork but my parents won't let me because they think he will do something with their credit card number
Sorry about your problem. Your parents do have a point though. Maybe you could ask him to sign a form or something. Otherwise you can still have a blast learning to make it yourself !
Thanks dude
hey bro for the material you could use resin or nylon to print it you can use 3dhubs is expensive but it have a very good quality for making metal i prefer in shapeways in 3dhubs it can cost you like 140 dolars depending of the metal and the metal part i recomend stainless steel or boron
i need to somebody to help me print my 3d printed bey pls
i need somebody to help me print my 3d printed bey pls
i need somebody to help me print my 3d printed bey pls