[Unanswered]  Judges

How can I turn into a judge
Read over the judges manual many times first, then consult someone with experience, like DeceasedCrab
I asked local organizers what the preferred process for that is. And apparently in areas where there are already a lot of judges, like yours, the primary thing organizers look for is experience. Being well versed in beyblades! And attending many tournaments. Then, once they've seen you active in enough tournaments, asking to shadow an experienced judge for a tournament makes sense. After you shadow one for a tournament, you should be all set to judge.

In areas where judges are fewer in number, it's easier to become a judge; just be in the right place at the right time!
At least there isn’t a quiz for it like organizing, but you will need to know all the rules very well in order to be a judge, as you need to know what parts are banned and stay up-to-date. If you don’t think you can handle the responsibility, don’t do it