[Unanswered]  Any rules for where to launch?

I noticed that when I play together with someone we sometimes immediatly hit each others beys and as a result often times one of our beys burst. Does this still count? What about beybladers who purposely launch their bey straight into the opponents bey? It kinda ruins the battle, but are there any rules on this? I prefer a battle where both beys have a little time to move around the stadium first instead of purposely launching my bey on top of my opponents or directly into my opponent. Seems to wear down the layer faster as well.
Here are the WBO rules regarding launching:

A round begins with the call of “3–2–1 Go Shoot!”
Both bladers must simultaneously launch their Beyblades as the word “shoot” is called.
Keep your Launcher held within your half of the BeyStadium. Never attempt to obstruct your opponent’s launch.
Launch your Beyblade from just above the opening in the BeyStadium’s barrier (30cm maximum from the stadium floor).
Do not touch the BeyStadium at any time. If you think the BeyStadium should be adjusted, ask a judge.
If a winder-based launcher is being used, a legal launch consists of the winder being pulled out of the launcher, rather than pushed in.
Yeah, and try not to be those people who hit your opponent in the face when they launch Unhappy
In most wbba tournaments, if beys hit each other before landing, the launch becomes invalid and the battle is re-launched.
Launching late is also invalid, eg intentionally launch on top opponent's bey.
If the beys landed on the stadium floor, then right after immediately engage, causing burst or KO, it is valid. But most of the time it is hard to judge, and organizer typically gives benefit of doubt and call for a re-launch for marginal cases.
just another question kind of related to this one if a launcher breaks during a battle do they get to use a different launcher or not
You can only use that same exact launcher