Toronto Tourney in November?

Right so me an Kei are up for hosting another tourney, however we ran into a small predicament. While parks would be nice the weather is beginning to get unfavorable so we were hoping to scope an indoor location. Would anybody around here have some reasonable suggestions?
We could look into using a room at a community centre/library, I'm not sure how they manage renting out space, or if they might have space that we can just use for free. I'll talk to my local place, although it isn't really inan ideal location, it might give us some insight into the situation.
an upcoming Anime COnvention maybe?? Not in november of course but just an idea for an indoor place.
ummm hey their should be some tounraments near new york i mean atleast in syracuse new york because of the careasel mall (how ever u spell it) lots of people go their and theirs a hobby store up their so that might make it a little easier haha
(Dec. 03, 2009  3:40 AM)chaos56459 Wrote: ummm hey their should be some tounraments near new york i mean atleast in syracuse new york because of the careasel mall (how ever u spell it) lots of people go their and theirs a hobby store up their so that might make it a little easier haha

OK. You host it, then.
dude that was only a suggestion though and a problem is that im only 14 so don't you think that would be a little tough for me to do?
(Dec. 03, 2009  3:45 AM)chaos56459 Wrote: dude that was only a suggestion though and a problem is that im only 14 so don't you think that would be a little tough for me to do?

14 isn't that young.

You ask people to host a tournament, you put no consideration into who will host it, how you will get attendees, or anything else ...
yes i know im young so im just trying to find more about how i would do anything like this so like i said just making a suggestion so beybrad if u would do it how would you have done this? i mean i guess now im just trying to get some pointers and some help with it so ya im not trying to get anyone mad or anything if i am so ya...
thank you brad =D
(Dec. 03, 2009  3:40 AM)chaos56459 Wrote: ummm hey their should be some tounraments near new york i mean atleast in syracuse new york because of the careasel mall (how ever u spell it) lots of people go their and theirs a hobby store up their so that might make it a little easier haha

We had a tournament in Rochester a few months ago, no one really came. Check out the map, there isn't really anyone in your area. (not to mention, the Rochester guys are twice your age xP )

This isn't to say that you shouldn't try to get your local hobby store to host a tournament though. With the release of the metal tops in america coming up, it might be a really good idea.
right thank you and ya im still sorta new so i didnt know about the tournament their haha