So I'm sitting on the floor on the WBO, then I hear some people counting from 10 down to 1. I look outside my window thinking they were lightning off a rocket. Were they? NO. The neighbors across the street were doing squats in their garage. It wasn't a pretty sight...
This town is crazy! [Bouts of insanity ONLY; not stupidity]
At Chucky Cheese's a man ran in nude. very disturbing, very insane.
Some guy on the street realised that a drinking fountain was very loosely attached to the wall. The next minute he stomped on the top of it and it completely broke off the wall. Him and everyone around him (including me) ran like hell, even if they didn't know the guy and had nothing to do with it.
Well, while being stuck at the train station coming home with friends today, I saw a lot of strange things but one thing stood out to me the most. There was one man, looked about 50-60 walks down the hall with headphones on. Meanwhile, four transit police come in, one with a GIANT assault rifle as if he was preparing for a terrorist attack, one with a giant back pack that looked as if he has all sorts of bombs to start a war, one with a cane and two magnum revolvers(cowboy much???), and one with just a bulletproof vest that said Gang Prevention Unit on the front and a small hangun. Now these guys all looked ready for war. You wouldn't do anything crazy around them right? Now at first, we pay this no mind but then the man does something beyond belief. He begins to dance while throwing up gang signs and chanting right in front of these officers. I mean literally in their faces to the point where they can smell his breath and he is making signs for one gang while chanting words that glorify another. Where I am from, you die for things like that. These cops were warning this guy to stop but he didn't. The very minute he threw up his last sign, he reached for the rifle and before we knew it, the man was getting pistol whipped and cuffed to the platform entrance doors while having a giat rifle against his head. The man pisses his pants and we know this because unless his body is made of lemonade, there is no way he can leak yellow liquid with such a strong scent from his pants onto his shoes. I'm not sure what was wrong with the man but no more than 5 minutes later, he was back at it again, this time running down the hallway with a police officer's hat screaming "Only the strong survive!". I did not know if I should laugh or be in shock but it was funny.
Just got to love New York. To bad nothing like that happens in Oregon. All we get are shootings and little boys that go missing

But he was cuffed so how did he escape?
Oh god, I guess he is as strong as he claims...
Oh god, I guess he is as strong as he claims...
I was thinking the same thing....leaving a trail of smelly lemonade from his shoes as he ran screaming.
I live in a "frownded upon" Town/City but There is only really one Part that is the "Rural" and the part that Gives Frankston it's bad name. Sadly the Train Station is in that Area
There is one other "suburb" That is called the Pines which is a Scummy sort of area. I live in Frankston and You could say I have a bit of Money and i live in Frankston.
But seriously it's Dangerous. There was this "like" On Facebook that said " Cod is a Bit like Frankston if you Stay in the same place for to Long you get Stabbed/Shot" Bet Frankston rain Station is Scary as......I have thousands of Tales about it.
Also about the Girls at 12 Thingo. Im 12, In year 7 and at My school it is EXTREMELY Embarassing to not at the Least have Kissed a Girl.

But seriously it's Dangerous. There was this "like" On Facebook that said " Cod is a Bit like Frankston if you Stay in the same place for to Long you get Stabbed/Shot" Bet Frankston rain Station is Scary as......I have thousands of Tales about it.
Also about the Girls at 12 Thingo. Im 12, In year 7 and at My school it is EXTREMELY Embarassing to not at the Least have Kissed a Girl.
my experience was,uhh,i have no way to describe it:
there was this kid,he was living in m grandmother's house,anhe was kind and all, until:
i was walking to their kitchen,to get some water.i felt someone bitting me,and when i look down,it was this FREAKIN KID.the worst thing is,it was bleeding,and i started to call him a 'vampire'
end of story
there was this kid,he was living in m grandmother's house,anhe was kind and all, until:
i was walking to their kitchen,to get some water.i felt someone bitting me,and when i look down,it was this FREAKIN KID.the worst thing is,it was bleeding,and i started to call him a 'vampire'
end of story
i was riding the train the other day, some creepo drunk mexican sitting across from me started winking at me and blowing kisses. i was tipsy as well, i don't know if this is insanity but i pressed the dude and almost decked him.
I realized my Communication Applications class has a burglar waiting for a court sentencing. FML man.
Randomly in the lunchroom yesterday, a 7th grader started waving his hands, and began screaming "IM A BANANA, I'M A BANANA , LOOK AT ME MOVE! HI-YA!" They gave him lunch detention for a week and sent him to his counselor.
(Mar. 28, 2011 10:30 AM)Chupa Chups Wrote: I live in a "frownded upon" Town/City but There is only really one Part that is the "Rural" and the part that Gives Frankston it's bad name. Sadly the Train Station is in that AreaStop spamming, this post has absolutely 0 insanity to it. Crimeis everywhere and I was 15 when I got my first kiss. There's nothing wrong with respecting your body.There is one other "suburb" That is called the Pines which is a Scummy sort of area. I live in Frankston and You could say I have a bit of Money and i live in Frankston.
But seriously it's Dangerous. There was this "like" On Facebook that said " Cod is a Bit like Frankston if you Stay in the same place for to Long you get Stabbed/Shot" Bet Frankston rain Station is Scary as......I have thousands of Tales about it.
Also about the Girls at 12 Thingo. Im 12, In year 7 and at My school it is EXTREMELY Embarassing to not at the Least have Kissed a Girl.
(Mar. 28, 2011 7:38 PM)djspida5 Wrote: i was riding the train the other day, some creepo drunk mexican sitting across from me started winking at me and blowing kisses. i was tipsy as well, i don't know if this is insanity but i pressed the dude and almost decked him.FINALLY! Subway stories.

I was at a baseball game and they had a little ceasers so I went to get a pizza well it took forever because this person was freaking out at them for not giving him a 5 dollar hot n ready pizza so they told him they couldn't and he grabbed a random persons pop and chucked it and then security came and tackled him and I got my pizza
(Mar. 31, 2011 10:43 PM)Deikailo Wrote: FINALLY! Subway stories.
You want a subway story? Here's one I can come up with. This was before my current "I don't take carp from no one" phase.
While my aunt and I were waiting for the 1 train at 34th and 7th a few years back in High School, this old or middle-aged dark-skinned man came up to me and asked if I was Filipino. I answered yes nervously, and he started to call me Maria or something (my hair was long at the time) and shook my hand. Before I knew it, I felt something strange, like a weird feeling in the palm of my hand. He was RUBBING MY PALM WITH HIS MIDDLE FINGER AS HE SHOOK MY HAND. And he had this creepy smile.
I tried to pull away, but he wouldn't let go. So I finally said, "You know I'm a guy, right?" He replied, "Doesn't matter." And my aunt, who didn't know yet was by my side (back turned and looking for the train) finally intervened and pulled me away. After that, I've been sorta scarred by it...
Seriously, that guy read "rapist" in that smile.
(Mar. 31, 2011 11:11 PM)Kaji Motomiya Wrote: He was RUBBING MY PALM WITH HIS MIDDLE FINGER AS HE SHOOK MY HAND. And he had this creepy smile.That is creepy. How long was he holding your hand for? I'd be scared for life if it happened to me.
I tried to pull away, but he wouldn't let go.
Seriously, that guy read "rapist" in that smile.
(Mar. 31, 2011 11:11 PM)Kaji Motomiya Wrote:I'm calling you Maria from now on.(Mar. 31, 2011 10:43 PM)Deikailo Wrote: FINALLY! Subway stories.
You want a subway story? Here's one I can come up with. This was before my current "I don't take carp from no one" phase.
While my aunt and I were waiting for the 1 train at 34th and 7th a few years back in High School, this old or middle-aged dark-skinned man came up to me and asked if I was Filipino. I answered yes nervously, and he started to call me Maria or something (my hair was long at the time) and shook my hand. Before I knew it, I felt something strange, like a weird feeling in the palm of my hand. He was RUBBING MY PALM WITH HIS MIDDLE FINGER AS HE SHOOK MY HAND. And he had this creepy smile.
I tried to pull away, but he wouldn't let go. So I finally said, "You know I'm a guy, right?" He replied, "Doesn't matter." And my aunt, who didn't know yet was by my side (back turned and looking for the train) finally intervened and pulled me away. After that, I've been sorta scarred by it...
Seriously, that guy read "rapist" in that smile.
(Mar. 31, 2011 11:45 PM)BeyBladestation Wrote: That is creepy. How long was he holding your hand for? I'd be scared for life if it happened to me.
Like...a few minutes, but it BURNED the feeling of being molested in a non-jokingly way (even though palm-rubbing isn't EXACTLY or NOT EVEN CLOSE TO as bad as actual rape...) into my mind and memory. And I swore if that ever happened again, I will have no problem taking care of someone like him.
(Mar. 31, 2011 11:46 PM)Deikailo Wrote: I'm calling you Maria from now on.
Escuse moi? I PREFER to be called...CONSUELA, por favor. Or Mr. Honey Badger.
(Mar. 31, 2011 7:13 PM)StormHollow Wrote: Randomly in the lunchroom yesterday, a 7th grader started waving his hands, and began screaming "IM A BANANA, I'M A BANANA , LOOK AT ME MOVE! HI-YA!" They gave him lunch detention for a week and sent him to his counselor.That is stupidity, not insanity!
I have a new story: At Popeyes, I was just eating, then this lady started screaming "Get the carp away from me!"
Lol it was so insane.My mom had to pull me out of that place. I was like "HAHAHAHA" when I got home. Holy hell that was insane.
(Apr. 01, 2011 2:36 AM)Horogium827 Wrote: I have a new story: At Popeyes, I was just eating, then this lady started screaming "Get the carp away from me!"
Lol it was so insane.My mom had to pull me out of that place. I was like "HAHAHAHA" when I got home. Holy hell that was insane.
That isn't that insane. People cuss like that all the time. I would shrug it off and not pay any attention.
(Apr. 01, 2011 3:07 AM)Nano Wrote:I think he meant to say she started yelling when no one was near her.(Apr. 01, 2011 2:36 AM)Horogium827 Wrote: I have a new story: At Popeyes, I was just eating, then this lady started screaming "Get the carp away from me!"
Lol it was so insane.My mom had to pull me out of that place. I was like "HAHAHAHA" when I got home. Holy hell that was insane.
That isn't that insane. People cuss like that all the time. I would shrug it off and not pay any attention.
Update on the underaged Burglar in my Com App class, he still has not been to jail yet. How many months or years are in a Burglary and vandalism case?
In my opinion? Two and a half years. For the vandalism charges.
In my opinion? Two and a half years. For the vandalism charges.
(Apr. 01, 2011 3:08 AM)Deikailo Wrote:Yeah that's what I meant. She just started yelling 4 no reason.(Apr. 01, 2011 3:07 AM)Nano Wrote:I think he meant to say she started yelling when no one was near her.(Apr. 01, 2011 2:36 AM)Horogium827 Wrote: I have a new story: At Popeyes, I was just eating, then this lady started screaming "Get the carp away from me!"
Lol it was so insane.My mom had to pull me out of that place. I was like "HAHAHAHA" when I got home. Holy hell that was insane.
That isn't that insane. People cuss like that all the time. I would shrug it off and not pay any attention.
I saw this kid riding a tricycle thinking he was speed racer.... the expression on his face said "PEDAL TO THE METAL!" and he was going CRAZY fast! people kept telling him to slow down untill...
Spoiler (Click to View)
Haha, something completely out of the ordinary happened today. So basically after I came out of detention I went to Picadilly Circus with some friends. We were walking around and stuff. Then we see a celebrity (didn't know who it was but everyone went crazy) and people started gathering around he/she so these four guys get out 3 big bottles of cokes and they place mints inside them and started attacking the crowd with the coca-cola. It was beautiful in a harsh tone. It was amazing! That was such a snapshot moment, too bad I didn't have my camera with me.