Thermal Dragonis 145 WD

Poll: What do you think of the combo?

This is an awesome combo
I hate this combo.
I can't really decide Tongue_out
Total: 100% 1 vote(s)
I normally built this bey as Beat Dragonis 145 WD. I've pitted this bey against all my others, and this bey beat every other beyblade I owned. Here is a list of some of my Beyzzzzzzz Take note some of these beys parts were used in the customization process to some of these may be different from their original versions.

-Gravity Destroyer AD145 WD
-Beat Lynx AD145 (here is an example of the customization process)
-Cosmic Pegasus RW105 R2F
-Fang Leone 135 W2D
-Blitz Unicorno 100 SF
-Pirate Orochi 145 D
-Ronin Dragoon LW160 BSF
-Guardian Leviathan 160 SB
-Flame Libra T125 ES

In that list are some of my best beys, so yes Thermal Dragonis = really over powered. Don't forget to leave your own opinions, and tell me if you found a combo that you think is better that I might be able to build then, send me the combo! Kirby OUT Tongue_out_wink
1. That combo is very outclassed.
2. You need tests done in a BB-10.
3. Levithan dragooon AD145W2D/D or cosmic unicorno /gravity destroyer W105R2F should beat that easily.
/\ I don't have a BB-10 Stadium, I am sincerely sorry, I just don't have enough patience or money to buy the arena, and thanks for the combo suggestion
(Feb. 19, 2014  6:15 PM)KirbyRobot Wrote: /\ I don't have a BB-10 Stadium, I am sincerely sorry, I just don't have enough patience or money to buy the arena, and thanks for the combo suggestion

If you have a hasbro stadium, you can post your results in the hasbro testing thread.