I'm hoping for new keyblades, sides O&O. Perhaps a wolf keyblade that looked abit like the Buster Sword? Maybe it's just me, but an FF7 boss fight has happened in ever Kingdom Hearts game. Cloud and Sephiroth in KH1, KH2 theres Sephiroth, COM, theres Cloud, BBS, Zack, Re:Coded and Coded, Cloud. Surely beating them will give you a keyblade like that, but since it's a dream, you can just put another person there. Vincent would make a good boss, him shooting you and you have to dodge and do flashy carp. I'd also want a heartless keyblade.
I am a major, major, fan of Brad. I DON'T NEED NO ICON!
I used to be LDragoDestroy/Finisher L Drago, if you don't know who someone is talking to.