
The Flaming SWORD's Revenge!

  Cedar Park, Texas (TX)
Tournament Results
Olsen Meadows Park
Brushy Creek Rd, Cedar Park, TX 78613
  We will meet under the pavilion. All battles will take place there.
11:30 on 08/07/2022
Hosted by
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Most official Beyblade Burst gear can be used.

View Rulebook

One Beyblade is prepared and used in each First Stage match.

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0 cash

The WBO is a volunteer, fan-run organization.
About the WBO

With the new Excalibur coming out so soon, we just have to dedicate a tournament to one of the most iconic beys in burst! We'll be using burst standard with the standard 1v1 first stage and deck format finals. I'm super excited to host once again and I hope ya'll can make it.


11:30 - Check-in begins (Please be here by 11:30. It will make the start run much smoother.)
12:00 - The tournemnt begins (If you are not here at this time and have not sent me a message, YOU WILL NOT BE ALLOWED TO PARTICIPATE.)
2:30 - First stage ends and finals begin
4:00 - Finals ends

The tournament will end at 5:00. You will notice that the planned end for the tournament is 4:00. I am anticipating an hour of things going wrong or taking to long. So while we may end at 4:00, WE MAY END LATER THAN EXPECTED.


We will be under the pavilion near the park. There will be fans to keep us all cool during the tournament.

Tournament Format:

Ideally we will be running swiss format, but that may change depending on how many people sign up.
This will be a Burst Standard Format tournament.
Each player will select one beyblade for each match and battle.
We will be running two Takara-Tomy Standard Stadiums.

1. USN
2. raybuster
3. Khoa Ly

If ya'll find anything wrong please tell me. It's been awhile so i'll take all the help I can get! Thank's in advance!
I'd like a participant cap of 28. Thank you!

Need-to-Know Information

1. Organizers, their Events, and Event Pages are independent of the World Beyblade Organization website or Fighting Spirits Inc.

Event Organizers are users independent of the World Beyblade Organization website, Fighting Spirits Inc., its directors, members, staff, or volunteers. Event Pages and Events are coordinated and operated separately from the operations of the World Beyblade Organization website or Fighting Spirits Inc, controlled solely by individual Event Organizers.

Under no circumstances will World Beyblade Organization, Fighting Spirits Inc., its directors, members, or staff be held liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, or consequential damages that arise from independent Events advertised on the website. .

2. Terms of Service

All event attendees and users of this website are subject to our Terms of Service.

This event has been approved.
(Jul. 10, 2022  3:11 PM)henwooja1 Wrote: This event has been approved.

Thanks for approving my event!
(Jul. 15, 2022  5:30 AM)Logan Dominguez Wrote: Any prizes?

Sorry it's been awhile! I've been on vacation so the WBO hasn't been my highest priority. As for prizes, I'm not sure yet, but I wouldn't expect any.
(Jul. 15, 2022  5:30 AM)Logan Dominguez Wrote: Any prizes?

If you are going you have yet to sign up. Just wanted to let you know.
(Aug. 01, 2022  5:55 PM)TexasBlader1321 Wrote: What stadium are we using?

All ranked tournaments use the standard TT stadiums
Would it be uncool if Walmart gift cards were prizes, say $250, $100, $50 first, second, third? I could arrange and provide.
Hah that’s too much money
(Aug. 06, 2022  8:06 AM)WiBeybladeGod Wrote: How my beys can we use?

For Swiss rounds we use 1 bey of your choice and for finals we use 3 beys
I was hoping to make it out here to participate, but priorities have shifted and I won't be able to make it. There's always next time, I suppose. Hope everyone has fun tomorrow, though!
It's lookin like we're gonna be running swiss tomorow! It will undoutedly be very hot tomorow so make sure you have plenty of water. We will have some, but do not rely on it. I'll see all of ya'll tomorow!
(Aug. 05, 2022  5:09 PM)AriFletch Wrote: Would it be uncool if Walmart gift cards were prizes, say $250, $100, $50 first, second, third? I could arrange and provide.

no,walmart has hasbro beyblades and sometimes TT beyblades so that would be a good prize. It would be cool.
I'm so exited for this event. Hope y'all have fun this tournament 🙂.
Has anyone seen my savior valkyrie core it's missing
Gg for Khoa for winning this tourney
(Aug. 07, 2022  8:08 PM)beyblade611 Wrote: Has anyone seen my savior valkyrie core it's missing

When I left both USN and I found a lot of stuff left behind. We notice two beys and a lot of launchers. Try asking him yourself
Monster Gratitude for USN for hosting and all the bonus time from everyone judging and teaching. The chill is real and should not be tampered with by corporates.
This matches for event have now been processed.