The Beyblade World Tournament!

Poll: What do you think of my story?

Total: 100% 55 vote(s)
how youill get get these ideas.summer season is running in your country i think.
it is summer here!
oh we have summer from april to june.have you got holidays?
If your still accepting character requests if so↓↓↓

BeyConfusedacred Minotaur 230 Wd
Description: Sacred wheel; Made of rubber, like rock wheel but thicker.
Minotaur clear wheel: just as bul but its raised parts are further out.
Yoshi: a very nice person. there is no bad side to him. hes always ready to help and make freinds
Special move: Labrynth smash;
The bey charges wildly breaking any obstacle smashed into.
sadly,no.its already summer here,as in from march to june
up to when your svhool runs . it means date.
Hey guys Smile
Im still on spring break in Victoria Island (surprisingly enough, there are a LOT of beyblade shops here...!)
to Potter: dude GREAT job on the chapters! I'll try to keep up! Im using the library computer here on the island lol..


anyways this was just a little check-in to see how things were coming along!
seeya soon!

mind i i submit a char?
Kai Hitwari: It is summer here in the Philippines! As in like no school.
Clonetos: Yes, you can submit a character.
KoolCatCurtis: LOL Library Computer!
@Squares?: Your character will be in Team Egypt!
bey-bigbang metal dranzorlooks like ray unicorn wheel and had red colour and metal flat tip and low spin track.
venkai description- army t-shirt andis a captain of world best bladers team and handsome .he had army t-shirt,jeans pant with beyblade holder and belt with dranzor symbol and red cap with hand bands on two sides and finger bands.
special moves-blazing gigs,fire and water boosters watertyphoon,typhoon with whole power of galaxy.
side-hero as captain formed with shuu and wolf and others.

hey i am friend of kai hitwari(rohith.)
Name: William Eggbert
Height: 6,1
weight: 203lbs
Body shape: Egg shaped
clothing: A long coat and fedorah.
Currently looking for a team and is known to speak about eggs and walruses from time to time

Bey: Icicle Walran IP145WB
Face Bolt: Depicts a angry walrus with the word walrun below it
Clear Wheel: Walran-Wheel is a light blue and it depicts two walruses circiling one another with ice detail and red eyes.
Wheel: Icicle- Simmilar to flame except it makes a shuriken like shape. The edges of each point ar long and smooth and there are a total of 4.
IP- Icicle pick- Icicle pick works like ED145 except instead of 3 blades there are 4 long arrows that move freely

WB-Wide ball
Clonetos: Put in Team Egypt. What is it really Walran or Walrun?
venkat prakash: ?? Venkai = Venkash: They're too similar. I would accept if I can make him brothers with Venkash.

Team America:

Team China:
Dark Mage

Team Egypt:
William Eggbert

Team ShadowKlan:

Please send more requests because each team needs to have 5 members.
yaa my name is venkat it know as venkash and venkai are brothers.and venkash is created by kai hitwari.(real name is rohith.)
sorry walran heh heh and egypt hes from the UK or is he apart of a team NAMED egypt
bey-ecplise driger
special moves-ecplise rotation.spiral biral,infinite beyblades
finisher-ecplise all over world.
bey-moonlight drasil
specialmoves-around the moon,gasper,do it end
finisher-full moon.
name-tala mio
bey-white libra
special moves-burno blast,green whip,fly and die.
finisher-dark lightener.
bey-lightening dragoon.
special moves-typhoon,light bearing,dragoon dragoon
finisher-metal infrao blast
bey-infinity pegasus
special moves-star blast attack,spin around.lightening speed.
finisher-meteo star blast attack.
bey-starter dragoon king
special moves-killer,jios,sound blast
finisher-dragoon king dark spirit.
bey-isolated leon
special-ice cubes,infraro cubes
finisher-snow blasters with fire waves
Wow! Thanks a lot Beyfreakers. And what do you mean? Venkat Prakash (The user) and Kai HItwari (The user) are brothers?! O.o
bey-black leopard
special moves-dancing storms,singing waves.
no we are best friends .like you and me.
bey-sand aries
special move- saaaand saand all over.
finisher-sand spirit drown the bey.
bey-rock fuser
finisher-fusioning with other beyblade and uses both beyblades power on one beyblade.
yaa i gave ten characters.
I need more details on the special moves BeyFreakers...
Please take Kai-V's advice seriously. I know that you are Kai Hitwari you know.
you too not beleiving me? i am his friend me trust me.
i told her already,dont worry best friend (wink,wink)
Walrans Special move: Walrus slam) Bey: Bey charges foward as it jumps spiraling down in a cork screw like fashion. beast: a blue walrus jumps and cork screws in the air and slams into the opposing bey

Finisher: Iciclegeddon: Walran stops as a large blue tornado made of slush appears then it freezes follow by shattering as ice particles hit the bey. Beast: the walrus will roar as this move happens
I have a character for team america or any non evil team
Name:Andrew Watagami (Male)
Bey:Vulcan Gemios D125CS
Bey Description:Face:Black BG with red and blue spirit things
Clear Wheel: Red on half Blue on other half
Metal Wheel: Silver Vulcan Wheel
Spin Track: Black
Preformance Tip:All Black

Special Move: Twin Vulcan Smash
The Bey Moves at a lightning fast Speed and it then appers as two of the same bey. It then knocks the opposing bey high into the sky until Gemios catches it and drives it to the ground winnig the battle.

Character Description:Andrew is very passionate about beyblading and will never give up his dream of being the best blader. His bey was handed down to him from his father and will stop at nothing to protect his bey. Andrew is funny always willing to crack a witty pun when needed but he is very battle serious. His Brother is Tazora Watagami but he doesnt like to talk about it.
@G.Cancer90R2F: Ok. Will put.
To everyone: Won't be posting chapters for a while. Ask BeyFreakers or Clonetos about it. Tongue_out (Am too lazy to type)
@BeyFreakers: Yeah. He told me already. Sorry.
hes busy nuff said and his fingers hurt