Testing and Winning Combos: Project: LIMBO

For those who don't know, me, Cindercast and JA Industries. are developing a format we are dubbing "Metal Fight Limbo".
The format has 2 goals: To be a very low-budget and easy-to-access format and to let parts that are unable to see success elsewhere have somewhere to shine.

The format's banlist can be found here:

For more information, join the discord server linked below.
oh yeah limbo
(Jan. 30, 2024  6:56 AM)Deadly_162 Wrote:
For those who don't know, me, Cindercast and JA Industries. are developing a format we are dubbing "Metal Fight Limbo".
The format has 2 goals: To be a very low-budget and easy-to-access format and to let parts that are unable to see success elsewhere have somewhere to shine.

The format's banlist can be found here:

For more information, join the discord server linked below.
Very epic, very cool
(Jan. 30, 2024  6:56 AM)Deadly_162 Wrote:
For those who don't know, me, Cindercast and JA Industries. are developing a format we are dubbing "Metal Fight Limbo".
The format has 2 goals: To be a very low-budget and easy-to-access format and to let parts that are unable to see success elsewhere have somewhere to shine.

The format's banlist can be found here:

For more information, join the discord server linked below.
The rise of Raymond Gilson
Seems like this would be oddly stale... I'd imagine stuff like Thunder, Forbidden, Pisces, Sol and Nightmare would dominate the scene. Can't even think of a single attacker that'd be viable aside from maybe Gemios, Inferno or Tornado. Don't think any of those parts are easily accessible though which would defeat the whole purpose of this format. Once you get rid of those "good" but inaccessible parts... you've got Poison and Dark meta with Ray and Cyber as your only potential attackers.

Burn Earth and Lighting can be purchased for super cheap with mid fakes so honestly I'd focus around that (but once you get to that point it's basically limited but probably without libra and gravity lol)
(Feb. 01, 2024  8:08 PM)1234beyblade Wrote: Seems like this would be oddly stale... I'd imagine stuff like Thunder, Forbidden, Pisces, Sol and Nightmare would dominate the scene. Can't even think of a single attacker that'd be viable aside from maybe Gemios, Inferno or Tornado. Don't think any of those parts are easily accessible though which would defeat the whole purpose of this format. Once you get rid of those "good" but inaccessible parts... you've got Poison and Dark meta with Ray and Cyber as your only potential attackers.

Burn Earth and Lighting can be purchased for super cheap with mid fakes so honestly I'd focus around that (but once you get to that point it's basically limited but probably without libra and gravity lol)
This format has several good attackers that keep it balanced, such as Storm, Meteo Rush and Assault, and Gargole. They aren't mentioned so I suppose I should bring them up. Currently, the BCIF is Storm RF and everything is trying to beat that. Sol and prehybrid Escolpio provide great defense, Infinity provides a solid mix of defense and stamina, Pisces has amazing stamina and Ray is good at just about everything. So, if anything, the format has a lot of diversity and jank that has yet to be explored.
my only question is how Cyber is worse than storm? and why is rock of all things banned?
(Feb. 01, 2024  11:42 PM)IamDohnut Wrote: my only question is how Cyber is worse than storm? and why is rock of all things banned?

Cyber is still very viable, but Storm has better stamina and gives similar (if not stronger) hits. Rock is banned because it's quite good in Metal Fight Limited and would sweep the entirety of LIMBO.
[Image: 20240224_172231.jpg?ex=65f662ea&is=65e3e...ffb5b3d53&]
Project: LIMBO - Event 1: Isolation WINNING COMBOS

1st Place: BladerGem
Proto Nemesis 100RS
Sol Wolf DF105CS
Ray Kerbecs LW105CF
Archer Bahamdia 90R²F
Killer Gemios W105CS

Gladiator Gargole 105RF
Escolpio 90RB
Pisces BD
Storm Giraffe 105RF (First Stage)
Sol Nemesis 90CS (First Stage)

3rd: Mago
Grand Cancer 100RS
L-Drago 85WF
Gemios 90RF

4th: AJinCA
Inferno Orion 90RF
Storm Giraffe 105HF/S
Proto Nemesis 105CS
Project LIMBO: Night Hawk Winning Combos
Lakewood, California - 03/17/2024

1st - Shindog
Storm Lacerta LW105RF
Cyclone Susanow LW105RF
Ray Kerbecs 90 CS
Ray Kerbecs 85 CS
Pisces 85 MB
Pisces B: D
Sol Aquario 90 RS
Meteo L-DragoII (Assault) DF105GCF
Inferno Cygnus SR200 CS
Inferno Cygnus SR200 MF
Forbidden Cygnus SR200 CS
Forbidden Cygnus SR200 MF
Gemios A230RF
Wolf 85MF

2nd JefftheWizard
Nightmare UnicornoI 85R2F
Thunder Cancer 90RS
Killer Cygnus B: D

3rd - Cindercast
Cyclone Susanow 90RF
Storm Giraffe DF105R2F
Pisces B: D
Grand Aquario LW105CS

4th - A-PAC
Storm Susanow 85MF
Killer LeoneI 85CS
Escolpio B: D
Meteo L-DragoII (Assault) DF105LRF
Ray Kerbecs R145CF
HasProto Nemesis 105RS

Thank you everyone for coming out. The general consensus was that everyone enjoyed the format Chief - Idea!. Will see about more progressions regarding legal parts potentially in upcoming events. Thank you to everyone supporting Project: LIMBO!
(Mar. 18, 2024  3:06 AM)Cindercast Wrote: Project LIMBO: Night Hawk Winning Combos
Lakewood, California - 03/17/2024

1st - Shindog
Storm Lacerta LW105RF
Cyclone Susanow LW105RF
Ray Kerbecs 90 CS
Ray Kerbecs 85 CS
Pisces 85 MB
Pisces B: D
Sol Aquario 90 RS
Meteo L-DragoII (Assault) DF105GCF
Inferno Cygnus SR200 CS
Inferno Cygnus SR200 MF
Forbidden Cygnus SR200 CS
Forbidden Cygnus SR200 MF
Gemios A230RF
Wolf 85MF

2nd JefftheWizard
Nightmare UnicornoI 85R2F
Thunder Cancer 90RS
Killer Cygnus B: D

3rd - Cindercast
Cyclone Susanow 90RF
Storm Giraffe DF105R2F
Pisces B: D
Grand Aquario LW105CS

4th - A-PAC
Storm Susanow 85MF
Killer LeoneI 85CS
Escolpio B: D
Meteo L-DragoII (Assault) DF105LRF
Ray Kerbecs R145CF
HasProto Nemesis 105RS

Thank you everyone for coming out. The general consensus was that everyone enjoyed the format  Chief - Idea!. Will see about more progressions regarding legal parts potentially in upcoming events. Thank you to everyone supporting Project: LIMBO!
Some limbo footage thanks to Virtuous Circle!


NC Project Red Metal #4 [Project: LIMBO] - Dethrone (Summit Stadium Event)
Rockwell, North Carolina (03/23/2024)
Metal Fight LIMBO Format (5 person club format round robin, first to three deck format)

1st: Fire blader07
Cyber Susanow 100RF
L-Drago LW105WD
Dark Aquario 90RS

This event was smaller than anticipated due to multiple last minute dropouts and how long the preceding Burst Classic tournament ran due to unexpected delays. I was not able to play in this event due to the time constraints, which although unfortunate, did mean I was able to see a lot of what people were using. Several players opted to run SR200 today (some more successful than others), while others brought things like PHW L-Drago to counter it, similar to the HasMeteo VS Flame 230 matchup in MFL. As expected, Storm was a popular choice for attack combos, but other attack options were also used. Stamina is usable and balanced as attack hard checks it. Overall, those who stuck around to play the format seemed to enjoy it, and I look forward to hosting it again in the future!
Project: LIMBO - Corrosion
https://worldbeyblade.org/Thread-Project...on--111036 // Lakewood, California - Sunday, 05.05.2024

🥇1st - Virtuous Circle
Wolf 105RF (Final Stage Only)
Gemios F: D
Killer Aquario B: D
Sol Bull LW105RS
Sol Bull 90RS
Meteo L-Drago II (Rush) 90RF

🥈2nd - Cindercast
Gemios LW105RF
Storm Giraffe W105RF
Cyclone Giraffe W105RF
Pisces B: D
Sol Kronos 100CS
Samurai Revizer 100RS (First Stage Only)

🥉3rd - Shindog
Sol Aquario 90RS
Storm Lacerta LW105RF
Pisces B: D

4th - A-PAC
Storm Lacerta DF105RF
Counter LeoneI 85MF
Sol Aquario 90RS
Escolpio B: D
Pisces B: D
East Coast Cup LIMBO #1: Summer SOLstice
Rockwell, North Carolina (05/18/2024)
Metal Fight LIMBO Format (4 person club format round robin, first to three deck format)

Group photo:
[Image: IMG-3008.jpg]

1st: #Fafnir
Cyclone Susanow 85RF
Sol Escolpio 90RS
Infinity Cancer SR200CS

1st: swaglakitu
Sol Cancer SR200MB
Cyclone Herculeo W105RF
Proto Nemesis CH120EWD
2nd: Succulent819
Thunder Jupiter GB145MB
Grand Aquario SR200RB
Cyclone Kerbecs R145RF
3rd: Aj23God
Sol Aquario DF105RSF
PHW L-Drago 90RF
Cyclone PegasisII BGrin

Too lazy to add fonts and stuff tbh Grin
Project: LIMBO - Event 4: Endgame
Metal Fight Minus 3on3 (Deck Final)
13 Participants
Group Round Robin Format
Played in Summit Stadium

1st: Mago
Grand Cancer 100RS
Infinity Kerbecs BD
Meteo L-Drago Rush R145CF

2nd: Ark19
Storm Pegasis II 105RF
Grand Aquario W105CS
Killer Cygnus BD

Proto Nemesis LW105RS
Ray Kerbecs 105CF
Sol Wolf 85MB
Sol Wolf DF105CS
Killer Gemios W105CS
Until the format becomes official, this thread will continue to see use as the place for winning combos and testing for Minus.

Beyblade NorCal RetroGrade - Event 4: Sharks

Storm Pegasis 105RF
Dark Cancer 100CS
Ray Unicorno LW105HF

Dark Cancer 90CS
Meteo L-Drago Rush R145CF
Nightmare Kerbecs CH120R2F

3rd: Ark19
Storm Aquario 90RF
Grand Cancer LW105RS
Killer Cygnus BD
Pre-Starlight Spirals
https://worldbeyblade.org/Thread-Pre-Sta...ls--112415 // Lakewood, California - Sunday, 08.04.2024 // Hosted by Jamcobs & Cindercast

🥇1st - A-PAC
Storm Lacerta LW105RF (Final Stage Only)
Storm Lacerta LW105R2F
Killer Cygnus B: D
Sol Aquario 90RS
Infinity Cancer 160MB
Infinity Cancer SR200CS
Escolpio 85RS

🥈2nd - Cindercast
Cyclone Susanow 85RF
Cyclone Susanow 85R2F (First Stage Only)
Infinity PegasisI SR200CS
Storm Lacerta R145RF (First Stage Only)
Storm Lacerta 85RF (Final Stage Only)
Killer Cancer B: D (First Stage Only)
Meteo L-DragoII (Assault) CH120RSF (First Stage Only)
Escolpio 105RS (First Stage Only)

🥉3rd - JacobPom
Ray UnicornoII 100RSF
Storm Susanow 85RF
Pisces B: D
Sol SagittarioII 90RS (First Stage Only)
Beyblade West 2024 // Day 1 Event 1 // Project: LIMBO - Crossfade
https://worldbeyblade.org/Thread-Beyblad...de--111541 // Lakewood, California - Friday, 08.09.2024 - Event 1

🥇1st - Deadly_162
L-Drago 90RF
Sol Bull B: D
Killer Cancer LW105CS
Escolpio 85RB (Final Stage Only)

🥈2nd - your golden boy
Sol Bull 90RS
Sol Bull B: D
Cyclone Gil 85RF
Ray PegasisI Ch120RF
Killer Kronos B: D
Killer Horuseus 85MF
Pisces 85MF
Infinity Hades SR200CS

🥉3rd - Kingz_hero_
HasWing LeoneI R145RSF
HasJade Bull A230RF
Ray Kerbecs 90MF

4th - A-PAC
Storm Lacerta LW105RF
Killer Cygnus B: D
Sol Aquario 90RS
Escolpio 85RS
Infinity Cancer SR200CS
Project: LIMBO - Mesmerize
https://worldbeyblade.org/Thread-Project...ze--113193 // Lakewood, California - Friday, 09.21.2024 - Event 1

🥇1st - Rising_Phoenix
Sol LeoneI 90RS
Storm Blaze 85RF
Killer Cancer B: D
bump - tournaments upcoming
(Dec. 09, 2024  12:17 PM)Deadly_162 Wrote: bump - tournaments upcoming

Grunkle Stunkle Wins The Funkle Bunkle

1st: your golden boy
(To be updated)

2nd: Deadly_162
L-Drago 90RF
Killer Cancer LW105CS
Fury Aquila 85MF
Infinity Escolpio SR200MB
Escolpio 85RB
Sol Bull BD

3rd: Ark19
Grand Cancer LW105RS
Storm Aquario 90RF
Killer Cygnus BD
Killer Kronos bd
Sol badguy (bull) 90 rs
Cyclone susen 85 r2f
Dark Leon 100 rs