Team Galaxy Wings Sig, Avatar, and Userbar Shop

Im LeoneLione and this is a sig/avatar/userbar shop only for the members of Team Galaxy Wings.
You can ask for a userbar like mine below but it can be different colors and text! You can also get a avatar or sig also like mine.
Just ask what you want in this format:

Format (userbar, sig, avatar):
Images (Max 3):
Text Color:
Background Image/Color (Max 1 Background Image):

Or you can ask me what theme like the Pegasus theme and I will make you a sig with Pegasus and Jinga! (ONLY SIGS AND AVATARS) (Almost like mine but with your fav character)

If you didn't sing up for team Galaxy Wings you can sign up here:
can you make me one with horuseus and Nile and a sandy background suprise me with the text!! and the colour
Is that a sig or an avatar?
Can you explain a bit better the sandy background please?? I don't really see what kind of sandy background...
like you know desert sandy and user bar please thank you leone lione!!
Can i pease have win to match my sig thanks
If it's only for your team then don't be advertising it here. Do this in the team thread, or through PMs.
Well if we do this on the team thread it will be very crowded until it practically becomes a chat room...
Well we certainly don't need it here ...
Through PMs it is.