Team Galactic Blitz (Ready and Rollin)

Hey everyone SniperBlader614 here and I'd like to introduce my new bey team Galactic Blitz so far we have 3 members but open for 3 more heres how u can enter:

Step 1: get ur video camera and record some of ur beybattles nd different blades u own

Step 2: If u have a youtube page post ur videos on there


Step 3: pm me with a link to ur video and me nd my team mates will review ur vids nd message u bak soon

now me nd my team mates live in Columbus ohio but it doesn't matter if we hav members from different states jus so long as u rep ur team nd rep it well welp bladers if ur interested in join jus follow the steps aboveStupid
I dont have a camera but i can tell you my info
Battles Won. 30
Battles lost. 15 [ I KEEP TRACK LOL
Bey. Lightening Libra
Age 14
Hmm well thts fine man it kinda sucks I cnt see some of ur battles tho
I am a blader from columbus ohio and I am trying to join teams to start an official WBO Ohio Tournament. I am 13, and I have 65 beyblades. I have my own youtube channel, all you have to do is get on youtube and search: DarkandGothicStudios.

Please PM,