So far I think that Ultimate Reboot’ has a spot in the burst classic meta
Victory Valkyrie triple Ultimate Reboot’ vs inferno Ifrit boost quick’
Round 1: Valkyrie (outspin)
Round 2: Valkyrie (outspin)
Round 3: Valkyrie (outspin)
Victory Valkyrie Won (win rate: 100%)
This is a combo I found good for classic I don’t know any burst standard combos
If you want me to do do a test battle just ask in the thread!
Victory Valkyrie triple Ultimate Reboot’ vs inferno Ifrit boost quick’
Round 1: Valkyrie (outspin)
Round 2: Valkyrie (outspin)
Round 3: Valkyrie (outspin)
Victory Valkyrie Won (win rate: 100%)
This is a combo I found good for classic I don’t know any burst standard combos
If you want me to do do a test battle just ask in the thread!