me too! I am coming !
[Surabaya] [03 Jul 11] FIGHT CLUB: Maximum Heat
Glad you're coming, emily2000 is added to the list
i'm coming and will bring my stadium.
great! stephen74 is added to the list.
what arena will we use?
Of course we will use TT Attack stadium, the same like last time. There will be 4, but we will only use 3 for the tournaments, the extra 1 is for free play and practice. Guen, mich233, akira2002, and I will bring them.
i wish i could come Uwik, but sadly, i cant, good luck to all
(Jun. 22, 2011 10:55 AM)Izuma Inzori Wrote: i wish i could come Uwik, but sadly, i cant, good luck to all
I understand, and thank you for the wish.
You guys have plenty of bladers in Jakarta, you definitely should get together and organize a tournament. I would love it if other Indonesian bladers get into the beypoints system, so we can compare. PM me if you're interested, I'll give you pointers on how to organize one, and what to expect during the event itself, since it's different thing hosting a tournament and just simply attending one.
I want to come too.
t.riobs is added to the list. Good luck !
I'm coming
Welcome! JJ2 is added to the list.
i want to join this tournament
russellm is added to the list.
I'm in. See you there.
Great! See you there. Jep is added to the list.
Wow. No SPAM at all on this topic
Every post is just 'Im in' or "Im Coming" nothing else. Thats good work Uwik
I guess I'm the first post that says otherwise to that ^^^^^^

sorry can't make it
will beat rank #16, see u on July 3rd
Could've been my first tournament but it's my mom's B-Day that day so I can't.
me tooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111111111111111
Mich233 : your words are true..... you have defeated uwik..... he had come home with empty hands ....... good job !!!

Hahaha, it was definitely the most I've ever had in a tournament. I'm quite sure everybody had fun. All the screaming and cheering during the finals is still ringing in my ears
Well, CONGRATULATIONS to the winners.
1st place : emily2000, who chose TT Hell Kerbecs (Japan edition)
2nd place : Guen, who picked TT Killer Beafowl
3rd place : Mich233 who went home with TT Screw Capricorne
We had our youngest blader (TomTom who is 3.5 year old), and our 2 oldest bladers (37 year olds) in this tournament!
I hope to see you all on the next tournament!
EDIT: pictures will be uploaded shortly, and videos of the finals will be up in a few days.

Well, CONGRATULATIONS to the winners.
1st place : emily2000, who chose TT Hell Kerbecs (Japan edition)
2nd place : Guen, who picked TT Killer Beafowl
3rd place : Mich233 who went home with TT Screw Capricorne
We had our youngest blader (TomTom who is 3.5 year old), and our 2 oldest bladers (37 year olds) in this tournament!
I hope to see you all on the next tournament!
EDIT: pictures will be uploaded shortly, and videos of the finals will be up in a few days.