Super Smash Bros. Brawl

Artie Wrote:
Tamer Brad Wrote:
Ichida Wrote:Ugh. like we needed another Fox clone... lame way to round out the roster. Let's see what the localization does to this.

Hmm... strangely, I remember Sakurai saying somewhere on DOJO that there wouldn't be any more clone characters. Guess that was a lie.

Yeah I remembered reading that too. If this is the final roster, pretty disappointing.

yeah it is

oh sakurai

Lame. No real surprises, pretty disappointing. Unhappy Was hoping for some characters that would make me think WHOA HOLY carp
That was pretty much my reaction to Sonic, though instead of a "HOLY carp WHAT A SURPRISE" it was more of a "HOLY carp THE PROPHECY HAS COME TRUE" kind of thing. Tongue_out
dude sonic was like half confirmed the day brawl was confirmed.
I was hoping that Megaman or someone of that caliber would be found. Unhappy Having only 35 characters is disappointing as well, I thought there would be at least 40 considering Sakurai said they were approaching the game "as if it was the last in the series".
sam Wrote:dude sonic was like half confirmed the day brawl was confirmed.

They said that everyone wanted Sonic to be in it and that they were trying. Same deal with Snake.
wooooooooooooot Wolf I knew he was gonna be in it. CAN'T LET YOU DO THAT STAR FOX! or my favourite line of his Your good.....but I'm better!
King of Darkness Wrote:Ok, this just came in:

Wolf confirmed?

EDIT: More Wolf pictures:


I think I might want to get a Wii just for this game. lmfao wow.
How can these both be the character selection screen?
1st link isn't working.

Yeah, more clones is a bit of a disappointment. I'm sure most people would've also rather have had playable Ridley, Megaman, King K. Rool, etc, than R.O.B and some of the returning clone characters. That said, I wouldn't mind those at all if it had more characters overall. Still, can't wait for this game.

Imagine if both Sonic and Snake were only now being revealed along with the rest of the rooster. It'd have made a much bigger impact if they kept those 2 a secret until now.
Cye Kinomiya Wrote:How can these both be the character selection screen?

The background's white while you're holding your player coin, and black when the players have been selected. In that case, both are set to Random. I've seen it in videos.
So I actually kind of want this game now.


/shock and awe
Roan Wrote:So I actually kind of want this game now.


/shock and awe

I'm looking forward to the stage builder especially. Grin
Only cooler-looking and not so evil. I doubt Lucario has Mewtwo's float-spin-hover move.
Ichida Wrote:Only cooler-looking and not so evil. I doubt Lucario has Mewtwo's float-spin-hover move.

I'd be pissed if it did. That move is so annoying.
Jamming more and more characters into a fighter makes it harder to balance.

I'll try everyone and see who works best before I settle for someone sight unseen.
I want this.

Real bad.

I knew I should've avoided all discussion of this game. >_>
If anyone's wondering, it's been confirmed you can play as ZSS from the start:

Ridley's boss battle:

It's looking really good and that music is kickass.

Rayquaza boss battle:

Btw, anyone see Jiggly's FS? Giga Bowser and Ganon can step aside, Jiggly's size takes up the whole screen, being larger than some stages.
Marth's FS KOing several Bowsers at 0%:

haha, wow. Probably an OHKO FS.

Some info on Wolf's moves:
Close enough to it. Keep in mind that was Training Mode, he might've toyed with the settings or something.
I like how you can pick which character you want before the boss battles.
That happens before pretty much any stage, as long as you've actually got someone to tag out with.
I can't wait to play as Bowser in the storyline *is really obsessed with Bowser*