Super Hero or Super Villain?

Poll: would you be a Super Hero or Super Villain?

Super Hero
Super Villain
Bit of Both
Total: 100% 7 vote(s)
If you had super human capabilities what path would you choose? The path of right & justice or the path of wrong & evil? Or perhaps your path is a little unclear & would help out now & then but are bound to cause mischief along the way. Also, post what your Super Hero's/Villain's name would be to keep your identity secret & describe your costume or give us a picture!
To further your superhuman self go to my thread Favourite Super Power to discuss what your super power would be.
I would have lightning super powers like Cole from Infamous and i would choose good
I would have the power to turn things into metal and be half vilan half good like vegeta off dragonball z.
Ill have power over creation And create one awesome side is good
i would have the power to control darkness and i would be evil

i wouldnt kill anyone id just have fun with my powers
It seems like this is exactly like the other thread, but you choose one side or the other ... So just post in the first topic and say if you would be "evil" or not.