Suns Rays, Hidden Bull

A spoof of Momiji Manju's Silent Rubber, Hidden Dragon

Okay, Good title ;)

Its been a while and over the past few weeks my knowledge on byeblade has grown alot, and now I'm confident to post a new thread. I'm awaiting my Ray Unicorno in the mail and have been looking at a few competitive combos. There were some really good options but I couldn't use them until I got my Meteo L-Drago. I've been straing at beywiki for ages and even the drafts in the beywiki project topic (my thread So I have a question and a suggestion. that rhymes ;). anyway what are some good competitive combos between ray gil/ray unicorno earth eagle dark bull, flame sagttario and rock leone and possibly meteo. im thinking of Ray Bull LW105WD but the combos i ost ten to be carp. im open to criticism and new ideas. lm a noob ;) ill have to delete this soon
this should have gone in build me a combo, and sorry but that combo is not good and all