Strange Dreams you've had

I had a dream where I was the Beyblade World Champion. I was a llama.
It seems that I only have my weirdest dreams when I drink too much caffeine. When that happens they are usually filled with complete randomness. One dream of mine had dinosaurs, The London Bridge, shooting zombies and mutant animals with rocket launchers, beyblade, the state of Georgia, a farmer's market, and a man hunt all in one...
Just a couple of days ago, I had a dream where i was at a bey tournament and when i advanced to the finals, dolgi interuppted and instead of beyblading to see who gets first place, it's the first person to beat up dolgi lol
My friend's username is Quetz and we both have 'dream friends'. In our dreams there is a BeyBlading world with stadiums like in the show and we make up special moves! But then Kai-V appears and chases us away as a lawnmower but we usually go 'ping' and, 'there's no lawnmower anymore'!
My my I have some strange programming glitch in my brain after graduating, that is guaranteed 100% fact guys.

Oh! No surprise really, school related. Uncertain

"Whatever happens first, happens because it was likely planned that way."

I obviously had perused the idea of a job for quite a while now but knowing I'm shaking the ashes of High School burnout off still. The pressure was creeping up and down my spine repetitively.

Anyway I was being taken to school by my mother, and on the way she tells me that "even though you are a graduate, you can still do academic work if you want to- but you don't even have to finish it. You can get up and leave the building at any time". This felt so real, I mean the first red flag of this being a dream was her telling me I could step outside of school ground and go on foot to anywhere I wanted to. This is definitely not a characteristic of her otherwise fiercely protective attitude towards me against other students in school. So the day goes on and I (nonchalantly) head to a class without knowing where, why and how in the hell could I make sense of doing voluntary academic "work" did not make this seem any less real. Clearly the reason behind such action cannot thrive on logic itself, this wasn't a teachers assistant event by the way. So this assignment was provided by a math teacher I HAVE NOT EVEN BEEN A STUDENT OF FOR TWO YEARS. Add to that no directions were given. We all had to have notebook paper. No mechanical pencils and no books (the fourth or so red flag that this wasn't real) were allowed. I thought it was exam day already, when asked, was told 'yes' in an obviously strange polite tone. After being passed out the papers I was already like "Screw this man, those pencils are carp. We need mechanical ones. Nobody works hard to make quality traditional pencils anymore."
But that was thought instead of said out loud. Another nonchalant action was storming outside of class and well what happened next managed to make less sense. What was supposed to be a preconceived idea of the schools facelift ended up being more of a prison-like sensation to a human being's psyche. The Hallways were wider than they should be, shorter in height than they should be, and the doors wider than necessary. Haha hurr this is a kids cartoon type of mind-freak right? Get this. It is part two of a dream involving the school building warped out I had last year.
I just had a dream I was in Minecraft fighting off Endermen (LOOK IT UP) and suddenly my friend Vulcan Blaze came in with Rock Giraffe and I had Meteo L-drago. I woke up then
I had a dream that i was in an american bey tournament and i was making a combo Basalt Bull BD145 RF but i couldn't find the face bolt and i was in the final and had to drop out that was the only bey i had
i had a dream where i was beybattling after i jump from a plane in an air battle the down side was i woke up
(Aug. 21, 2011  7:28 AM)brenden345 Wrote: My friend's username is Quetz and we both have 'dream friends'. In our dreams there is a BeyBlading world with stadiums like in the show and we make up special moves! But then Kai-V appears and chases us away as a lawnmower but we usually go 'ping' and, 'there's no lawnmower anymore'!

So im not the only one being chased by kai-v XD
I put Hell Kerbecs in a Toasted-sandwich maker and then I ate some of it, then more of Hell Chipped off.
I had this dream where I've been posting stuff to BBG's wall about beyblade, and one of my friends posted on BBG's wall too saying: I'm going to get a new beyblade in 1 week. Later, he joins the WBO, and when he went to a tournament, I just woke up. I've been trying to not tell him about the WBO. I guess I learned a lesson "be careful what you post online".
I had this dream earlier today that I was IRL Minecraft.
Except it had peopel I know in it and people were regular, but everything was MCish Chocked_2 And it was in some weird country where it was really cold and foggy, and something bad was about to happen in this small settlement where I lived. It was a pretty awesome dream even though it was like the beginning of a horror movie.
I've had psychotic dreams where they inspired me to write this ominous freelance.

The law of normal

well i had a weird one, pretty cool if you ask me, but still strange.

I was just doing some normal beyblade dsigns, when I found a pen on the table in front of me. I pick it up and use it to draw my beys, and then the drawing shines in gold light and it flashes, and the beyblade appears on top of the blank piece of paper. I draw my favourite design and it becomes real. I launch it and suddenly a white beyblade and stadium materialise in the floor. my beyblade smashes against the other and it shatters. more white beys appear and it does this in a cycle. then my bey just turns into sand and blows away, and so do I...
Nightmare, at least for me:

It's was kinda long, but not many things happened. I was in school during a Zombie invasion/outbreak. I can remember the loudspeakers constantly repeating, "All classes under Seniors report to the gym,". So, I guess the Seniors were fighting off the horde. I woke up after the Zombies started banging on the Gym doors very loudly, and making a ruckus. It took me a good 15 minutes to go back to sleep because I was terrified. Yeah, I don't like zombies Confused
(Sep. 19, 2011  7:57 PM)NoodooSoup Wrote: Nightmare, at least for me:

It's was kinda long, but not many things happened. I was in school during a Zombie invasion/outbreak. I can remember the loudspeakers constantly repeating, "All classes under Seniors report to the gym,". So, I guess the Seniors were fighting off the horde. I woke up after the Zombies started banging on the Gym doors very loudly, and making a ruckus. It took me a good 15 minutes to go back to sleep because I was terrified. Yeah, I don't like zombies Confused

Lol, I'd like to have a interesting dream for once. I never have any cool dreams, there all just blank thoughts.
well the worst one for me noodoo was probably this:

It was midnight and I started to hear voices in my head, going on and on about going beserk. suddenly my hair colour changed to white and markings also white formed on my face. my pupils turned into the shapes of spirals. my clothes changed from being my pyjamas to being a white cloak and black boots with dark trousers. I got up out of bed, and did a naruto sign, the one where you hold one hand in the other with 2 fingers pointing up. suddenly I arrived outside a house. I crouched down on a lightpost. A man walked out of it and I realised it was an old man, but a memory in my mind was assanitation of an emperor. suddenly I swipe my hand out infront of my face. a couple of needles flew into the mans neck and he fell to the ground. I jumped down and landed next to him. then a single drop of blood fell to the ground and I woke up.
(Sep. 19, 2011  8:12 PM)Nwolf Wrote: well the worst one for me noodoo was probably this:

It was midnight and I started to hear voices in my head, going on and on about going beserk. suddenly my hair colour changed to white and markings also white formed on my face. my pupils turned into the shapes of spirals. my clothes changed from being my pyjamas to being a white cloak and black boots with dark trousers. I got up out of bed, and did a naruto sign, the one where you hold one hand in the other with 2 fingers pointing up. suddenly I arrived outside a house. I crouched down on a lightpost. A man walked out of it and I realised it was an old man, but a memory in my mind was assanitation of an emperor. suddenly I swipe my hand out infront of my face. a couple of needles flew into the mans neck and he fell to the ground. I jumped down and landed next to him. then a single drop of blood fell to the ground and I woke up.
Nice did you pull of an all-nighter to finish assassin's creed?

nope was watching some naruto and draw my own character which in my dream I turned into.
I had the weirdest dream last night.

First, in my dream I woke up to something that shook everything, was loud, and sounded like an earthquake.

So after it was done, I went to go look outside. I see optimus prime and megatron fighting on my street and the road is all destroyed from them. Then I see this cameraman and I wonder why the heck there's filming on my street and I had no idea. So I asked these people in a truck. Then all of a sudden megatron attacked the truck. Now is the part i don't remember most of: (and the last part may even be wrong, who knows). All of a sudden I was in disneyland. What the?


I was suddenly logged on to here. This part I vividly remember. There was like, 20 new administrators on here, and I was a banned member. I be shocked.

Then I woke up.
I was at a harbor, and I had an acutal variares that had the special move and everything vs... *dream goes black and I wake up*... carp!
ill tell ya all i've had some really weird dreams one related to bb when i was 7 i had a dream i was trapped in a bump king plastic blade and was being destroyed by dragoon ms uv driger ms dranzer Gaia Dragoon and draciel all ms's what happened after i dnt know not related:an endless falling dream that had that strange wolf or whatever that chases the road runner was holding up a sign that says "i have been falling for 4 weeks how about you" and when instead of the falling never ending i hit the floor and bounced like a ball and into the rock wall at the top
So I had this dream that I was hosting a Beyblade tournament in my house. We had quite a number of people and Kei showed up. I was like "Kei, this is New York. wtf are you doing here?" and so he tells me "I didn't leave yet" like he was on vacation or something. He didn't even tell me before hand! Anyway, I try to figure out the brackets, but then I realize there is something very wrong. I had no idea how many kids were there. So I look up and notice I can't see. I touch my face where my eyes should be and they were gone. I ask Kei to tell me how many people there are and he tells me there are over 40. I was like boy, this house can't hold 40 without people making a mess. Even if I'm blind, I can still here them.

Because I couldn't get the brackets done in time, everyone decided to leave and Kei never got to battle in NY. Unhappy

Well, i dreamed That i was in a lake full of blood, and a big mecha appeared. I got a gun in my hand, and shot bullets at it. After a few fights, i got ripped apart.

Nightmare's still bugging me
I had this weird dream where I was being chased by a killer or something and I always jump down a whole flight of stairs but when I landed my legs crumpled and I can't move, after which I wake up Chocked