Stores with Beyblades in stock

Got to admit, debating with myself whether or not I should get that Leone...
Still, I'm really trying to save some cash to get a good few metal faces, but they're like gold dust at the moment!
some one help me I'm debating on whether or no to buy some hms beyblades from this seller on ebay named toygalera. I've read some feedback on the takara ms driger beyblades from him and some people said when they got it the ripcord damaged and others said it was a great item. help me!!!!
(May. 19, 2009  2:47 AM)jsc Wrote: toygalera sells fakes.
even hms? I mean i know his other plastics ones are fake because of the tt hongli logo but really?
IDK, i knew about the plasitcs though.
(May. 19, 2009  2:48 AM)mfbginga85 Wrote: even hms? I mean i know his other plastics ones are fake because of the tt hongli logo but really?
no he got some fakes and some real watch this video for help
He's sent out fakes to people who bought "Takara" Beyblades. Don't buy from them.
That's a terrible assumption to make. If they ship fakes of some blades what on earth makes you think that the pics are legitimate. Don't buy from toygalera; the picture is not what you will necessarily get.

EDIT: Beaten
does the hms beyblades the seller on ebay named progamestore sell real hms beyblades?
Yup. They sell all fakes.
Is this site any good? I totally need the stadium Pinching_eyes_2
Looks like they got some of the new MFB stuff =D
(May. 21, 2009  11:10 PM)Dranzer Wrote:
Looks like they got some of the new MFB stuff =D

They have metal face, and a bunch of stuff that's not even released 'in stock'....

EDIT: nvm it is preorder. Damn those faces look really tempting....
everything there says pre-order...Im not to sure about ordering storm pegasus from there anymore XD
the dark wolf and capricorne blades look awesome.. especially the cap!
I sent an Email to the guys at to get to the bottom of it...
Meanwhile, I'm inspecting the second link. Good prices, but the shipping table is...empty? I'll figure it out.
I solved it.when you go to the page,right above the name of the item it says PreOrDer,those are the ones that are really preorder items,and on the bottom of real preorder items it shows a date.all the others are ready to order
But a lot of the items say
PrEOrder 6/09

I sent an email to the other place. Will let you guys know the results.
(May. 22, 2009  1:55 AM)fragbait Wrote: But a lot of the items say
PrEOrder 6/09

I sent an email to the other place. Will let you guys know the results.

I only see one that says that.Flame sag
You have to click the description, then just look through the tabs. I clicked Metal Face and it said that.
Metal Face says pre-order, and that is the most important thing there for me right now.
Good find Dranzer! I didn't think tisinc99 would sell MFB at all, and their prices are quite reasonable. Let's hope the shipping is as good too. Wonder when the pre-order will end....