Sonic The Hedgehog

Blue blur speeds by.
Sonic the Hedgehog.
Too fast, for the naked eye.
Sonic the Hedgehog.
2 fast 2 cool 4 u
Sawnik the Heghawg

So, Uh, sonic, yeah he's cool and blue and fast I love him and let's talk about him

Also your "Sonic 06 isn't that bad" jokes aren't funny.
I prefer sonic 3d blast, personal favorite.
Man, Sonic is so cool! Been a fan since forever!

Sonic Adventure is my favourite game of the newer games but the originals will always be the best.

Oh and Sonic '06 wasn't that bad.
I'm not a Sonic fanboy, at all, but I enjoy playing the good ol' Sonic/2.
Seems we already have a thread about Sonic:

Further posts can be made there instead. Smile