
I searched for this and i did't see it does anyone watch this show? it's on YTV it's preety funny it's about a super hero that went missing and a boy named (Eric Needles) keeps a secret since he is the greatest superhero he gets beaten up alot mostly this girl named vana, kitty(somtimes) and trevor(best friend) he is really messy and discusting anyways post what you know about this show
I rember this show! i seen like 5 episodes of the show, it was ok, haven't seen it like in 2 months
Wow really i'v seen like over 30 episodes of it i like the episode appy days man you should see it.
I love this show and I wonder when we'll see the actually Maxum Man in the show sometime soon.
They play it on CartoonNetwork now on some days. They started to, now they play it on random days.
this show was cool but what ever happend to it,just like that show A for awesome or something like that