Should we ban Basalt?

Poll: Should any changes be made?

Do not change the rules.
Ban the Basalt Metal Wheel entirely.
Basalt's use should be restricted in some way (post your suggestions).
Total: 100% 290 vote(s)
(Aug. 16, 2011  6:54 AM)Temporal Wrote: Now, on to the matter at hand. Maybe the idea on adopting TT's rulings on KOs is a good idea. Some have been pushing for a second "Format" that includes Basalt, so why not have this instead be the second format?

Personally, I'd rather see the WBBA scoring system go into effect AND maybe have Basalt BD145 specifically banned, or perhaps make it illegal to use Stamina variants of Basalt, narrowing it down to just being a Defense wheel, or something. Limiting its use in SOME way so that at least one of the categories it dominates can see some variety again instead of just having Attack and Basalt beys.
(Aug. 16, 2011  6:57 AM)KaizerMFB Wrote: Meh, i'll help do some testing, and find some combos to kill basalt, because y'know, i'm like that Wink
Please help me with my "lost wheels" testing project, I think I might be on to something
After thinking about it for i while i have realized that were saying ban it because people are using it as a crutch but those of us who play competitively know we can beat it. As soon as these kids lose a few times they are going to search for other ways to win.
(Aug. 16, 2011  7:07 AM)Kai_hiwitari Wrote: After thinking about it for i while i have realized that were saying ban it because people are using it as a crutch but those of us who play competitively know we can beat it. As soon as these kids lose a few times they are going to search for other ways to win.
Exactly, that's why I'm trying to do some tests
ok, after a bit of testing, I really think we are all overreacting....
So Basically,
MF-H Basalt Kerbecs BD145CS loses to Scythe Kronos (Stamina) AD145EDS.
Basalt Bull 145WD loses to Scythe Kronos (Stamina) AD145EDS other than a few KOs, but the majority were OS to Kronos.
and Scythe Kronos (Stamina) AD145EDS. loses to most attack types, even off top-tier list.
Either that, or it just makes other parts redundant. Well I say we gotta move on, sorta like Beyblade G-Revo. to MFB.
Either what I just siad, or I have a total loss of understanding why some of you need it banned.
Have we forgotten
Defense Stamina
(Aug. 16, 2011  7:27 AM)KaizerMFB Wrote: ok, after a bit of testing, I really think we are all overreacting....
So Basically,
MF-H Basalt Kerbecs BD145CS loses to Scythe Kronos (Stamina) AD145EDS.
Basalt Bull 145WD loses to Scythe Kronos (Stamina) AD145EDS other than a few KOs, but the majority were OS to Kronos.
and Scythe Kronos (Stamina) AD145EDS. loses to most attack types, even off top-tier list.
Either that, or it just makes other parts redundant. Well I say we gotta move on, sorta like Beyblade G-Revo. to MFB.
Either what I just siad, or I have a total loss of understanding why some of you need it banned.
Hm, maybe we are overreacting...
(Aug. 16, 2011  7:32 AM)Flame Aries Wrote:
(Aug. 16, 2011  7:27 AM)KaizerMFB Wrote: ok, after a bit of testing, I really think we are all overreacting....
So Basically,
MF-H Basalt Kerbecs BD145CS loses to Scythe Kronos (Stamina) AD145EDS.
Basalt Bull 145WD loses to Scythe Kronos (Stamina) AD145EDS other than a few KOs, but the majority were OS to Kronos.
and Scythe Kronos (Stamina) AD145EDS. loses to most attack types, even off top-tier list.
Either that, or it just makes other parts redundant. Well I say we gotta move on, sorta like Beyblade G-Revo. to MFB.
Either what I just siad, or I have a total loss of understanding why some of you need it banned.
Hm, maybe we are overreacting...
Maybe put that testing into formal testing.
Anyways, if thats true than the result of basalt dominance is the lack of keeping up with new releases, which is quite reasonable for overseas bladers and the high prices for new beys. Simply, Basalt is highly used because of the lack of knowledge, so typically its not basalt dominance because of basalt but becos of the bladers themselves and the fact they don't own many of these new releases...
(Aug. 16, 2011  7:50 AM)taj12 Wrote:
(Aug. 16, 2011  7:32 AM)Flame Aries Wrote:
(Aug. 16, 2011  7:27 AM)KaizerMFB Wrote: ok, after a bit of testing, I really think we are all overreacting....
So Basically,
MF-H Basalt Kerbecs BD145CS loses to Scythe Kronos (Stamina) AD145EDS.
Basalt Bull 145WD loses to Scythe Kronos (Stamina) AD145EDS other than a few KOs, but the majority were OS to Kronos.
and Scythe Kronos (Stamina) AD145EDS. loses to most attack types, even off top-tier list.
Either that, or it just makes other parts redundant. Well I say we gotta move on, sorta like Beyblade G-Revo. to MFB.
Either what I just siad, or I have a total loss of understanding why some of you need it banned.
Hm, maybe we are overreacting...
Maybe put that testing into formal testing.
Anyways, if thats true than the result of basalt dominance is the lack of keeping up with new releases, which is quite reasonable for overseas bladers and the high prices for new beys. Simply, Basalt is highly used because of the lack of knowledge, so typically its not basalt dominance because of basalt but becos of the bladers themselves and the fact they don't own many of these new releases...
I blame that on Hasbro..
[quote='KaizerMFB' pid='754580' dateline='1313476039']
ok, after a bit of testing, I really think we are all overreacting....
So Basically,
MF-H Basalt Kerbecs BD145CS loses to Scythe Kronos (Stamina) AD145EDS.
Basalt Bull 145WD loses to Scythe Kronos (Stamina) AD145EDS other than a few KOs, but the majority were OS to Kronos.
and Scythe Kronos (Stamina) AD145EDS. loses to most attack types, even off top-tier list.
Either that, or it just makes other parts redundant. Well I say we gotta move on, sorta like Beyblade G-Revo. to MFB.
Either what I just siad, or I have a total loss of understanding why some of you need it banned.
Have we forgotten
Defense Stamina
Thiiiiis. It seems that people just don't want to have that cycle back. Instead they want attack types to have an advantage. The fact of the matter is, even if we had a metagame where attack types had some slight advantage, people still wouldn't use them at tournaments.
(Aug. 16, 2011  8:36 AM)Cye Kinomiya Wrote:
(Aug. 16, 2011  7:27 AM)KaizerMFB Wrote: ok, after a bit of testing, I really think we are all overreacting....
So Basically,
MF-H Basalt Kerbecs BD145CS loses to Scythe Kronos (Stamina) AD145EDS.
Basalt Bull 145WD loses to Scythe Kronos (Stamina) AD145EDS other than a few KOs, but the majority were OS to Kronos.
and Scythe Kronos (Stamina) AD145EDS. loses to most attack types, even off top-tier list.
Either that, or it just makes other parts redundant. Well I say we gotta move on, sorta like Beyblade G-Revo. to MFB.
Either what I just siad, or I have a total loss of understanding why some of you need it banned.
Have we forgotten
Defense Stamina
Thiiiiis. It seems that people just don't want to have that cycle back. Instead they want attack types to have an advantage. The fact of the matter is, even if we had a metagame where attack types had some slight advantage, people still wouldn't use them at tournaments.
There, fixed

Thanks. I have no idea why that happened.
(Aug. 16, 2011  8:51 AM)Cye Kinomiya Wrote: Thanks. I have no idea why that happened.
You forgot to add the ] at the end of [/quote
I agree with Cye , attack types are not going to dominate tournaments regardless of Basalt being banned or unbanned even if we also banned Libra , attack would still not be used as much as other types.

I really want to get this point across: Basalt is not overpowered it is overused There are many Metal Wheels that get good win rates against basalt , but people use basalt in tournaments as its 'safe'.
(Aug. 16, 2011  8:58 AM)RustyXD Wrote: I agree with Cye , attack types are not going to dominate tournaments regardless of Basalt being banned or unbanned even if we also banned Libra , attack would still not be used as much as other types.

Haha! That's an even better way to put it lol

(Aug. 16, 2011  9:01 AM)Cye Kinomiya Wrote:
(Aug. 16, 2011  8:58 AM)RustyXD Wrote: I agree with Cye , attack types are not going to dominate tournaments regardless of Basalt being banned or unbanned even if we also banned Libra , attack would still not be used as much as other types.

Haha! That's an even better way to put it lol
Ah, ok thanks for clearing that up for me ^^
lol srry but it would be hypocritical Basalt is a good wheel, but it seems that it needs to be put down.
PSA iin the WBO anyone?
Me. I used Basalt to win my tourney but now I realize that it was a very cheap way of winning..because it didnt give me the fun which I got when I battled Storm Pegasis with Earth Eagle(the second ranker). So I have rarely used Basalt since...again I agree RustyXD's bold letters i.e. Basalt is not is overused because it is safe..
Maybe we could say that you are only aloud to use basalt in only one or two battles in the tournament ( any one else for the idea?)
(Aug. 16, 2011  10:53 AM)SAM10795 Wrote: Basalt is not is overused because it is safe..

It is being put on trial because it is overused, Attack types are not the safest choice in a tournament, as many players can't use Attack types effectively.
Here we go again Uncertain

ok, in my opinion, Basalt isn't over powered. It does seem like, but counters exists, like the LLD BD145LRF combo, but i'm not saying that i'm voting for "no, don't ban basalt".

Come to think of it, Basalt is like libra- they both were in a problem. Basically we can just do the same last time: make a weight limit. Basically restricts heavy beyblades, and destroy parts of the metagame. People can still use basalt, but they can never use really heavy beyblades. So it restricts the use of basalt up to 30%
(Aug. 16, 2011  11:09 AM)DeX Wrote: Here we go again Uncertain

ok, in my opinion, Basalt isn't over powered. It does seem like, but counters exists, like the LLD BD145LRF combo, but i'm not saying that i'm voting for "no, don't ban basalt".

Come to think of it, Basalt is like libra- they both were in a problem. Basically we can just do the same last time: make a weight limit. Basically restricts heavy beyblades, and destroy parts of the metagame. People can still use basalt, but they can never use really heavy beyblades. So it restricts the use of basalt up to 30%

They exist, but counters aren't really being used in tournaments, MF Lightning L Drago BD145LRF was made to counter 230, it really doesn't always win against Basalt.
(Aug. 16, 2011  11:04 AM)Electric Wrote:
(Aug. 16, 2011  10:53 AM)SAM10795 Wrote: Basalt is not is overused because it is safe..

It is being put on trial because it is overused, Attack types are not the safest choice in a tournament, as many players can't use Attack types effectively.
Electric...those were RustyXD's words...and if it is overused then we have to as taz 465..restrict its use in tournaments like only 20% matches can be played with Basalt...or so...that would control its overuse..and for the rest 80% matches..players will need something powerful it will help to get better parts for the metagame as well.
Banning Basalt would be outrageous. Those who do own one revolve their metagame around this wheel. No one here is seeming to understand the cost factor and wether your parents are supportive of this hobby. Think of it like this:
  • Supportive Parents+You= Bey funds
  • Unsupportive parents+You= No bey funds
Banning it for a certain percentage of your matches wouldn't work, as:
  1. It will vary depending on wether you make finals or not resulting in confusion during the peliminary rounds. I dont think anyone here predicts the future
  2. More beys=More Money Spent=More Trouble=Less parental Support
There is a whole thread on parents and families here

We need to understand that Basalt is OVERUSED not OVERPOWERED. Understand this and problem solved.
You do not necessarily need basalt to win a tourney , i did very well using scythe at bey-freeze. Restricting it for a certain number of matches is not the right way to go.
I entirely dont mind the use of it and i dont even have it! but its ok, i guess, however i do think it does get very annoying for people who dont hav it, as it is just the ultimate metal wheel....
Banning it for a certain percentage of your matches? It was never brought up, for obvious reasons considering it makes zero sense.. To regulate that in the first place.
The whole money thing: Many of us buy our own Beyblades with our own money.
I don't know if you've ever experienced that, but this is a competitive hobby. Something gets banned? Deal with it.
I don't think many people whined over Libra being banned as it was clearly obvious attackers could not survive, though no one ever uses them.. :V

@wesome: I have Basalt, though I don't plan on using it to guide me through a tournament. It is in no way ultimate.
Perhaps you should not talk about a metal wheel you have no experience with.