Shades Of Grey-Sparta's Novella

Put this on PPF, but I figured it might get some more publicity posted here as well.

I'll update frequently, so subscribe or whatever (Who actually subscribes to threads?).
Prologue... (Click to View)
The First Chapter (Click to View)
Ooh, Chapter 1 sounds cool. I like how it starts off in earlier days rather than directly in the main-time. I wonder how the transition from 60's to futuristic will be, I look forward to the next chapter.
Anyone that is a fan of this: Sparta plans on self publishing the complete version on Amazon after he finishes editing. It is about 30,000 words, and the price has not yet been decided on.
Just did. And it's $5.00. I'll make it free on PenPad though.
Wow, your going to sell it! Good luck! And, YAY!!! NICE TO SEE SPARTA POST AGAIN!
what is the book called i would like to purchase

plz reply.
sorry if this off topic moderators!
(Dec. 11, 2011  9:24 PM)crystalmw2noob Wrote: what is the book called i would like to purchase

plz reply.
sorry if this off topic moderators!

As you can see in the thread title, the book is called Shades of Grey. On Amazon, it's part of The Plague Chronichles and is the only one by a Kevin. The kindle edition is $2.99. As of now, I believe this is the only available version.
Hope this helps.
Nice to see someone get some type of media recognition.