[Selling]  Up-dated Metal Fight Beyblade BB-01 to BB-126

Metal Fight Beyblade
BB-04 starter leo leone 145D >>> USD12.99
BB-06 booster pack bull 145S >>> USD10.99
BB-07 booster sgto 125SF >>> USD9.99
BB-08 booster leone 105F >>> USD9.99
BB-11 starter wolf D125B >>> USD12.99
BB-27 booster capricorne 100HF >>> USD9.99
BB-31 hybrid wheel random booster >>> USD9.99
BB-34 light launcher >>> USD9.99
BB-50 booster capricorne M145Q >>> USD9.99
BB-65 rock escolpio T125JB >>> USD11.99
BB-71 ray unicorno (WITHOUT BEYCARD) >>> USD16.99
BB-74 thermal lacerta >>> USD9.99
BB-85 metal face custom version ORANGE COLOR >>> USD7.99
BB-91 ray gil >>> USD10.99
BB-96 beyblade set (Pegasis 85RF / Libra 100D / Burn Cancer 90WD) >>> USD27.99
BB-99 hell kerbecs BD145DS >>> USD16.99
BB-101 grip support (red color) >>> USD9.99
BB-102 screw capricorne 90MF >>> USD10.99
BB-105 big bang pegasis FGrin >>> USD16.99
BB-106 fang leone 130w2d >>> USD16.99
BB-108 L drago destroy FConfused 4D >>> USD17.99
BB-113 scythe kronos T125EDS 4D System >>> USD16.99
BB-114 variares vari ares DGrin 4D >>> USD17.99
BB-118 phantom orion BGrin >>> USD16.99
BB-119 death quetzalcoatl 125RDF >>> USD17.99
BB-124 kreis cygnus 145WD >>> USD16.99
BB-125 light launcher L/R purple >>> USD9.99
BB-126 flash sagittario 230WD >>> USD16.99

*** All item are FREE SHIPPING to worldwide, and to keep more safe, the prices included INSURANCE with INTERNATIONAL TRACKING NUMBER FEE.

Best regards
Are any of these still available and do you ship to canada?
(Dec. 16, 2016  6:13 PM)arkhamredx Wrote: Are any of these still available and do you ship to canada?

In the first post of this Thread https://worldbeyblade.org/Thread-Metal-F...ease-check

He has mentioned his Email where you can contact him Directly ! 

Still his email is mayodesign@yahoo.com