Username--dizzypet422, location- tucson arizona 85743. Selling a beyblade burst lot that I have. Price is $115.00, but is definitely negotiable. Like new condition. Includes 13 different beyblade burst tops, 6 launchers with 1 left spin launcher and two super grip launchers. Great value! Includes valtryek v2, wyvron w2, wyvron, xcalius x2, anubion A2, yegdrion, doomscizor, roktovar, horusood, Unicrest, fafnir f3, zeutron z2 and spryzen s2. Free shipping! Comment or pm me if interested?
[Selling] Selling some beyblade burst tops
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would u be willing to part with doomscizor and fafnir f3 for $30?
$15 for Zeutron Z2?
would you be willing to sell just Yetdrion, Unicrest, zeutron V2, and wyvron v2? with the launchers that come with them? and if so how much would that be?
do u take cash?
All has currently been sold.