NIB/Sealed HMS Customize Grip (Black) SOLD
NIB/Sealed Blader DJ White HMS Rip Cord
NIP HMS Dual Shooter (String Version - Never used)
Used Dranzer GT (Excellent Condition) SOLD
I'll probably upload a few minor things later. Thanks !
- I accept PayPal only unless you live in Melbourne and are willing to come pick it up or meet up somewhere (preferably at a tournament).
- PM me with an offer if you're willing to buy an item. Make sure you can afford it as I don't accept reserves. Do not post an offer in this thread or ask "how much does that cost".
- Post here with any questions about the item(s)
- Shipping is generally not much, it should be around $10 for international shipping. I live in Melbourne, Australia.
NIB/Sealed HMS Customize Grip (Black) SOLD
Spoiler (Click to View)
Spoiler (Click to View)
Spoiler (Click to View)
Spoiler (Click to View)
I'll probably upload a few minor things later. Thanks !