[Selling]  LF HMS/MFB & Sell/Trading other stuff (Yugioh, pokemon, battle strikers, etc)

have any bdaman?
meant bdaman figures
Sorry no, only have what's listed.

&Master dragoon has been sold! Thanks
Oh, OK, I'm off school on Monday so it'll be fine. <- Off topic?
Awesome Master Dragoon! fAST dEIVERY! THanks
Glad you liked it.

Also@ anyone who was interested in the yugioh cards: There are way to many for me to check..sorry. I wont be able to tell you if it contains a specific card or not. Because of this I will sell them for very cheap. Please offer.

Oh, sorry, I'm only intrested in the specific things in my list, sorry 'bout that.
are they metal fusion
You cannot "bump" when the last post was yesterday, unless you edited something, which should be mentioned ...
how much money is it
Next time, try reading the first post. It clearly says make offers.

Added some pokemon card deals to the first post!
They are as follows:

Pack of random x2 Shiny/Holo cards + x16 Normal Cards ONLY £0.75p PER PACK (I have 12 different packs)
Pack of x8 OR MORE Randomly Assorred Energy cards ONLY £0.50p PER PACK (Four different packs in stock)
Legends Pack - Contains 16 Rare/Legendary/Shiny Pokemon cards including Sharpedo EX, Mewtwo, Rayquaza, etc MAKE OFFER, WILL ACCEPT REALLY REALLY LOW OFFERS (ONLY ONE PACK IN STOCK ~ HURRY!)
Medz. How much would shipping be to Singapore?

Depends on what your inquiring for. Let me know the exact items and the quantities and I can give you an exact quote. Thanks.
Can you ship to the Philippines? We Filipinos never get the good stuff. Uncertain
Yes I can. What are you interested in?
do u have any ghost rares?
(Feb. 14, 2011  7:41 PM)Medz Wrote: Yes I can. What are you interested in?
Do I need Paypal?
If not, maybe the Ninjitsu battle striker set or maybe some of the beys, loose.