These beys are SOLD!!!
- Dranzer GT, 1 complete w/ EG winder, & AR and BB
- Flash Leopard 2
- Draciel G
- Draciel S
- Gaia Dragoon V
- Grey HMS case from Driger MS Takara
- Red HMS case from Dranzer MS Hasbro
Please check first post for listing. Thanks for looking.
Update: If you haven't checked my Instagram, that is where I post most of my beys that I have for sale.
These beys are SOLD!!!
- Dranzer GT, 1 complete w/ EG winder, & AR and BB
- Flash Leopard 2
- Draciel G
- Draciel S
- Gaia Dragoon V
- Grey HMS case from Driger MS Takara
- Red HMS case from Dranzer MS Hasbro
Please check first post for listing. Thanks for looking.
Update: If you haven't checked my Instagram, that is where I post most of my beys that I have for sale.