[Selling]  1/20 - Special offer for BB-96, BB-121 and more

oh and i forgot to say my bey came just for some reason
my post office held it i guess cause it was under customs investigation
Beat Lynx and his friends just arrived today Smile Thank you!
Holy Pickles, how much did that cost?
Uwik: Thanks, i hope you can enjoy them all.

@BlackOutCannon: haha, surly cheaper than those on ebay ;p
Hi Amanda, my items have arrived safely. Thanks.
I've paid for the Fang Leone Smile
LuvBB: Thank you for letting me know Grin

@BlackOutCannon: I confirm rcvd your payment and will send it tomorrow Smile
so, Friday or Saturday? Cause time differences etc.
There isn't that much of a time difference. Would mean Friday.
the meteo l drago that i've order and coro2 clear wheel arrived today
thank you so much
super fast shipment
so how long does it take for FLeon to ship to AUS
Do you sell Big Bang Pegaisis? If you do, how much?
My order arrived today. Thank you!
100 pounds for just the last one too
IMO, good price for those sets. On eBay, people are selling them from anywhere between $250-$450 plus shipping.
Hi wwqqyang , I receved my package and I'm super happy , but I did not have the box of my bb-109 è__é , I'm angry ... JOKE ! :p
Hey, how much is screw capricorne+ shipping ?
$75 for all the different colored aquilas?