[STORY] The Titan Trilogy - Triple Chapter Upload!

Here is the new chapter (I personally think it could have been better, but here it is. And surprise surprise, its short Tongue_out)
Chapter 3 - The Power of Dreams
So, what did you think? Any good? Please comment and review.
Wow, I just realized how long it is since I ported the next chapter (this story is not really about beyblade, but I transcribe it so it is). Don't worry, I'll get straight onto transcribing it now.
This story is great! I love the Prologue Part 1 the most. Please SUBSCRIBE me!
I finally finished the chapter, enjoy!
Here is the new chapter, please rate, comment and subscribe!
Chapter 4 - The Heart is where the Hurt is
Updated OP, added a review that Bunnii did of this story in a desperate hope to attract more readers. BurnBlader, you are now subscribed.
hey i was just wondering, but is the fact that it is set during the Middle Ages related to the story line at all? sorry, im just learning about the Middle Ages in S&E right now...
Yes, it does come into the storyline later in Book 1 and especially in Book 2. New chapter should be up soon
I finally found out what kept on annoying me about this story. In each chapter no real big event happens. Take Chapter 3 for example, all that happens is they have a talk, not particularly too big of a talk all though it does reveal some information, and Sam has a flashback. It isn't really moving forward quick enough. You seem to be concentrating too much on the description and it isn't going the plot isn't going too far.
Hmm.... Thanks for the constructive critisizim. I appreciate all help I can get, thanks RowDog I'll keep that in mind
New chapter is up, chapter 5!
Chapter 5 - Approaching Evil
Enjoy, please rate and comment!
Chapter 6 is up, please R&S (Rate and Subscribe). Hope you like it!
Chapter 6 - Evil in the Air
*Sigh* Chapter 7 is up, please give me feedback guys, even if it is bad. I just need someone to help me keep on going here.

Chapter 7 - Return of the Dusk Warrior
Chapter 8 done, please R&C:

Chapter 8 - The Journey Begins
I just did a TTU! Triple Chapter Upload! Now PLEASE comment, please!

Chapter 9 - The Hidden Sanctuary
UPDATE! I have changed the banner and changed the name of the story. Hopefully this will attract a few more readers...